Not all children like to dress up

Carnival has arrived and parents often strive to find the most original, fun and creative costume that their child can wear at celebrations, but one thing to know and respect is that not all children like to dress up.

We assume by rule of three that young children love to dress up, but there are many children who shyness or fear of ridicule (although they are small they also have it) do not feel like going dressed as animals, pirates, or whatever we think of parents.

Each child is different, and therefore they have different ways of being. There are children who love to dress up every day while others have a terrible time dressed in a way that is not usual. Not everyone relates the costume to a game form.

As parents, we must understand and respect the child. We shouldn't force him to disguise himself if he doesn't feel like it just because "Look at your little friend that monkey that goes as a bear" or why "You are the only one in the class who is not in disguise".

Leaving it in evidence further intimidates the child and instead of respecting his decision we make him feel that it is wrong not to do what other children do. Of course, they should never be punished for not dressing up; the only thing that would be achieved is to strengthen your shyness.

There are many children that even They get scared seeing other people in disguise and seeing themselves disguised. They feel uncomfortable in warm suits or itchy hats, or just feel ashamed that everyone looks at them.

Sometimes dressing up helps children overcome shyness, but not in any way. It is a process that must occur gradually, little by little and accompanied by parents.

You may agree to dress up at home, without an audience, with only a few accessories and in a relaxed atmosphere, even better if you also dress up.

In no case should the child be forced If you don't want to dress up. We have to understand that just like adults do, not all children like to dress up. It is not worrying, as long as it is not an extreme shyness, also in other situations, which greatly alters your daily life.

He may change his mind over time and have a great time dressing up, but for now you have to respect them.