Breastfeeding, the best for your baby

From Babies and more we defend and encourage breastfeeding because it is undoubted that the best for your baby. Science confirms this through scientific studies of all kinds, simply because it is normal and natural for the baby to feed on the milk produced by his mother.

This weekend, more than 500 professionals from 51 countries have gathered in the IX International Symposium on Breastfeeding promoted by Medela and interesting conclusions about its benefits have been reached. Among them, the role of breastfeeding is highlighted as a “medicine” to reduce the risk of diseases in neonates, as a tool to prevent childhood obesity and highlights the benefits it brings to the cognitive development of the baby.

Pediatricians, neonatologists, midwives, nurses, and managers and staff of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of hospitals have gathered to share the latest advances in research that we tell you next.

Breastfeeding and obesity

Regarding the relationship between breastfeeding and obesity, scientists point out that there are factors that establish a close link between the two. Babies who are breastfed are able to regulate the amount of milk they ingest and develop preferences in taste through breast milk, which would help reduce the risk of obesity.

On the other hand, when compared to formula milk, breast milk has a higher insulin component and less protein than formula milk, and babies who drink breast milk gain weight healthier than those who are fed milk of formula.

What is "normal" in breastfeeding

Another interesting conclusion is that notice differences in the amount and frequency of the shots as the baby grows is normal, which does not mean that your milk no longer reaches.

Dr. Jacqueline Kent, of the Faculty of Science, of the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Western Australia, said:

"Between the first and third month, the frequency of shots decreases, the interval between one dose and another increases, as well as the amount of milk ingested and the time the baby allocates for each dose. From the third month until the sixth, these scales become constant.The patterns that result from this study have a positive effect on women who breastfeed because they confirm to parents what can be considered "normal" in breastfeeding and maintain the confidence of mothers who breastfeed their children. "

Breastfeeding and brain development

Breastfeeding has also been associated with a small but consistent advantage in the subsequent development of the IQ. Specifically, it is a benefit of approximately three CI points, although newborns with very low birth weight can achieve an even greater benefit.

Breastfeeding and premature infants

  • As for premature babies, it has been pointed out that feeding the child exclusively during the first 14 days of life with breast milk reduces the risk of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) three times, the digestive pathology for which more babies with very low birth weight die (below 1,500 grams).

  • They have released the SPIN program which is being developed at the University of California, in San Diego (USA) which consists of exclusive breastfeeding, maximizing the milk production of mothers, optimizing the quality and safety of breast milk, as well how to promote skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding. This program is compatible with the use of donated breast milk to cover the possible needs in an environment of premature births.

  • They have also highlighted benefits of breast milk banks donated in the Intensive Care Units. Feeding premature or very low weight babies with breast milk (donated by another mother when that of the child's mother is not available or insufficient) reduces the risk of suffering from Necrotizing Enterocolitis compared to the artificial formula.

It also reduces the risk of food intolerance in these children, and facilitates an early onset of enteral nutrition, which, in turn, reduces the risk of the newborn contracting an in-hospital infection.

As an important note, one of the experts has pointed out that there is still much to know about the mammary gland. As a curious fact, he mentioned that it is an organ that consumes more than 30% of the daily energy intake during the period of breastfeeding.

The conclusions of IX International Symposium on Breastfeeding We found them very interesting, that's why we wanted to share them with you. They make it clear that whenever possible, Breastfeeding is the best for your baby.

Video: Breastfeeding Position and Latch (July 2024).