Talk to your children about beauty before the beauty industry does

Do you have a young daughter? Do you have a small child? Well, please spend two minutes watching this video and from then on start thinking about how to carry out the most important advice you can read today: Talk to your children about beauty before the beauty industry does.

Why do I repeat the word beauty twice? Because although it sounds the same, I am talking about very different things. One thing is what we as parents can explain to children about what beauty is and a very different one is what the beauty industry is going to explain. with all its strategies and traps. Ah, don't you think they cheat? Well come on, read on and you'll see.

Famous without Photoshop

Simply enter Google and do a quick search with the famous words without Photoshop and you will see that computer science can make a woman who she is not.

They do nothing but show us lies, sell us lies and make women try to come to resemble women who do not even exist, because they are the result of the manipulation of a perfect makeup, hours and much experience or fruit of the computer trap.

And to show a button: take a look at these celebrities before and after going through the computer, and take a look at this video, to see that even my mother could end up being magazine cover:

What matters is to create dissatisfactions

I know that I am not discovering garlic soup, but I want to tell, as if the industry had a voice, the message that is about getting every girl and boy (and especially girl):

You are still small and your young age does not allow you to worry about things like going prettier or feeling thinner than you are, or even thinner than your companions. You do not even have money to spend and now it is still too early to make you feel dissatisfied with yourself, but we will try to start planting a seed inside you so that little by little you start needing things. We will start by creating cartoons with female characters with looks of the most fashion, impossible eyelashes, miniaturized waists, endless legs and snub noses that will be accompanied by dolls to be your best "friends" and costumes, clothes and backpacks to always go with you and, in a way, you want to be like them. Then we will broadcast series with girls worried about handsome boys, in children's channels and at times that cannot be missed. The girls, of course, will be beautiful and thin, with straight and shiny hair. These same girls will be singers, they will publish albums and they will make massive world tours so that, together with your parents, you can go see them. As you can see, we know that you have no money, but we also know that your parents do, and the sooner you start to consume through them, the sooner you will start to consume when you have the means. At the same time, you will see in the street, in the magazines, at the bus stops, in the advertisements and in too many parts photos of thin women, with little clothes and with provocative poses, so that you get familiar with them and little Little by little you learn that this is how you should be. This is just the seed, then you, the only thing you have to do is let yourself go and try to imitate all this as soon as possible. Ask mom to buy you the provocative costume of the cartoon characters, the disc of the girl in the series, her perfume, the heels with glitter and, little by little, try to be one of them.

And it is difficult, if not impossible, to get it easily, because there are very few girls, girls and women who become like those of the posters. And also usually with a lot of effort.

Meanwhile, the money will go in hairdressing sessions, creams, dresses that make you look thinner, books on miracle diets, visits to the doctor to ask for a magic pill to lose weight, sign up for the gym in January to stop going in February, look in the mirror and feel ugly, or fat, or full of defects and always look for ways to improve yourself.

Are we in time to avoid it?

Well I do not know. It is very difficult. Much, because even when we succeed with our daughter or son, in his journey through life Other boys and girls will accompany you that perhaps they fall prisoners of that dissatisfaction and need to improve continuously, and you want that no, the envies and competitions end up appearing and the ways of acting, many times, are infected.

In any case, as the video says, we can put the seed before them. Talk about what beauty is and what it isn't. Explain that the most admirable people of our time, or even history, they don't appear in fashion magazines. Tell them that the love we feel for them has nothing to do with whether they are taller, thinner, more handsome or more slender, or how they dress, but we love them by how they are, for what they do, for what they want and for the time we enjoy together.

And that, precisely that, is what you should look for in your friends, to love them for how they are, for how they make her feel, for how they behave with her and with others, for being humble, disinterested, for lending her trust, her secrets and for helping her when she needs them.

Friends who want to ridicule her for how she is?

Of course there will be, many, boys and girls. But "Honey, a girl who laughs at you for how you are, or who thinks she is better because she thinks she is more beautiful, does she deserve to be your friend? Because I love you like that I don't want them, and if she is not my friend, I care very little what what can you say about me. "