Pyramid of physical activity for children

Just held the Children's Congress of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) in Barcelona, ​​it has become clear that obesity is a health problem that is increasingly damaging the child population and that it is necessary to take measures to stop it. There are two fundamental paths, these will be the solution for both children and adults, to maintain a proper diet and physical activity.

The first one has been relevant this week after the report published by the OCU about the diets they carry out in school canteens, so the effort to fulfill the first requirement has to be a work together, as it must continue in the home of the child .

Regarding physical activity, the Congress presented the Pyramid of physical activity for children that you can see on these lines. We can observe in the recommendations of the experts that there are activities that are at the base of the pyramid and should be done daily, you may not be able to adopt all the examples, but surely many of them are simple to comply with.

Immediately afterwards they recommend performing sports of a certain intensity and that can be adapted to the life of any child, these should be done 3 to 5 times per week.

With less assiduity we find other activities aimed at enhancing flexibility, strength and healthy leisure, two or three sessions a week will be sufficient.

Finally, we find the activity that the little ones like best but that least suits them, sitting watching television, playing the console or in front of the computer, should be reduced to less than two hours a day.

It would not hurt to place this pyramid next to that of food in every home, our children will be what we offer them, a healthy life will be grateful today and forever.

Video: The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid K12 Lesson (July 2024).