The incredible theft of a baby caught by the security cameras of a shopping center

In Spain there was a plot decades ago in which newborn babies were stolen to tell their mothers that they had died during childbirth. It was a horrible time that luckily was left behind, but in which at least it was done so that everything had a certain logic (the mother believed that her baby had died). I say this about logic because now baby thieves still exist, but they do it differently, bravely, taking another person's baby and kidnapping him in a mistake.

This is what happened to a woman a few days ago in a Pennsylvania mall, when another woman approached her to start a conversation, gain her trust, and in a mistake she left with her baby. Fortunately, the cameras of the mall captured the scene and they were able to reconstruct everything that happened in a video as incredible as outrageous.

The baby was seven weeks old

What cause the woman to carry out such an offense we do not know, but in the video it is seen that at one point she decided that this baby would be for her. He stops, starts talking to the other mother and offers him some words and friendship. The mother, who was with her two children, one of seven weeks of age, accepts the invitation to chat and there the culprit goes around the moment she will take her son.

A while later, when the mother sits with her children, the kidnapper takes the baby in her arms in an act that we might consider normal in many women: they usually want to take the babies, have them in their arms for a while, tell them nice things and cradle them, to finally return them to their mother. That is why the mother does not suspect her.

However, at a time when the mother devotes more time to the elder, the woman takes the opportunity to take it. You don't even need to run. It is enough for him to disappear from the mother's sight and to embark on a path in which once he realizes that his baby has been stolen, he will not be able to know where he has gone.

This is how he manages to leave the mall with the baby in his arms.

The police arrested her hours later

Luckily, this time the kidnapper's plan went wrong, and that is hours later the police found her. She confessed to being sorry for what she had done and apologized for what happened. The baby was returned safe and sound to the mother, although the scare she took is no longer taken away from anyone.

And now what, should we distrust all strangers?

Well yes, maybe yes. And not like not to let them not even approach us to talk to us, but in a way that we don't think it's good that they take our baby. Or at least that if they do allow us to suspect a little and thus not take their eyes off them.

We are the parents those responsible and responsible for ensuring the safety of our children because they are unable to discriminate who can be dangerous and who can't, basically because they don't know that there are bad people in the world.

Video: Worst Mother & Kid Stealing Cash From a Shop (July 2024).