What happens if I gain little weight in pregnancy?

The weight gain in pregnancy is very variable and although there are recommended margins for the health of the mother and the baby, each case is unique. Why yes you are worried about gaining weight during pregnancy, consult the gynecologist.

In general, a weight gain of between 9 and 12 kilos is considered normal. Are you below those 9 kilos in the final stretch of pregnancy? The causes can be diverse and must be determined by the doctor to see if they are serious or not.

For example, it is common for overweight women to gain less weight and even, in this case, it can be beneficial. Even in cases of obesity some doctors may recommend that you lose weight, that fat is removed in a controlled manner, taking care of food and following an exercise chart to stay healthy.

And is that the really important thing during pregnancy is to maintain an adequate diet, that the baby does not lack nutrients so that the fetal development is correct, nor the mother.

The control of the development of the fetus is carried out through ultrasound, so if in your case you gain little weight, it is likely that they will send you some more revision, to see if the baby is growing properly.

In any case, it is not convenient in cases of obesity to lose a lot of weight during pregnancy, better wait for the baby to be born and breastfeeding has been established.

On the other hand, women of very thin constitution do not usually gain much weight either and can be considered normal. As in the case of overweight women, it is necessary to take care of a correct diet, take the recommended vitamin and folic acid supplements and control fetal development.

In short, it is not the same constitution of a thin and short woman with fine bones than a tall and robust woman and it cannot be pretended that the evolution of the weight of her pregnancies is the same. The doctor can mark the “objectives” of each case at the beginning of pregnancy, always with a reasonable margin.

If these are your cases and it is seen that the fetus evolves normally despite the low weight gain, in principle and if so determined by the doctor, there is no need to worry about the development of pregnancy. But in other cases there may be danger, let's see them.

Cases in which you have to worry

There are some situations in which poor weight gain can be worrisome., as in the case of hyperemesis gravidarum or intense and chronic vomiting during pregnancy. In these cases, prenatal nutritional deficiencies occur and pregnant women have to be treated, probably with hospitalization.

Other serious diseases could cause the mother not to get enough weight and the baby did not grow properly, so it is the doctor who has to keep a good follow-up and determine the causes.

In case of alcoholic women or drug addicts could also cause, along with serious consequences on the fetus, little increase or decrease in weight during pregnancy. These women need professional help to detoxify, although they tend to be those that have a lower pregnancy follow-up.

Another rare disorder can be that of pregorexia or mamirexia, when pregnant women are extremely thin, an obsessive and sickly state, related to anorexia, which can harm the baby (and the mother).

Before finishing, remember that gaining weight in a staggered and controlled way thanks to an adequate diet and the practice of habitual exercise make the pregnancy healthier, with less discomfort and risks at the time of delivery.

Definitely, if you gain little weight during pregnancy you have to see the causes and check that the development of the baby is adequate, in case there is any measure to be taken or, on the contrary, the evolution of pregnancy is normal.

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Video: Weight Gain and Pregnancy Q&A (July 2024).