Rubber bracelets, loom and other necessary instruments

At home we have taken the rubber bracelets very seriously, well, smaller than since the purchase of the chinese loom It has greatly improved its production and the "güasap" burns with messages from the whole family and friends asking for new designs. In addition to the loom it is also handled with some pens, with some Forks and with the hook! to stretch it

Among the sources of inspiration to make the new designs is Youtube It offers a lot of very simple content to perform. Well, I have not had time to see them although seeing the creations of the little girl and her way of producing looks like she has understood and is encouraged to use the loom and other tools with ease. In the image below you can see, in an image that has passed us a friend, what is the way to produce: containers, tools, space and time to dedicate. A good illusion for the little ones to have fun.

In the newspaper El Mundo they have also published information on these bracelets, thus explaining that it is a Malay, Cheon Choon Ng, an engineer who works at Nissan in Michigan (United States), who has brought them to Spain causing the children to have a Very healthy and fun entertainment.

Someone has also said that better bracelets than video games, it seems to me that everything adds up and that everything contributes to the kids solving problems. In this case also they work crafts autonomously, they use their own hands and simple tools, they work different thicknesses and designs, they are waiting for something in return, a kiss is not enough and thanks! and they are thinking how to organize your time and space to produce bracelets in the best possible way.

Video: BRACES EXPLAINED Elastics Rubber Bands (July 2024).