Peppa Pig's latest game is called The Big Mess

The most famous pig of the moment needs help because a tornado has reached the town of Peppa Pig and it has changed all things site. The objective of this cooperative game is for each player to put their time and dedication to return the elements to their place. Peppa Pig presents The big mess, from Educa, a fun game of travel and luck in which all players have a common goal. So the most important thing is cooperation.

Peppa has his inseparable friends Zoe Zebra, Suzzy sheep Y Danny Dob to help you get the order restored. The grandfather and Polly Parrot will also put their grain of sand in this game in which a game can last 15 minutes. The big mess It has a board with six scenarios, six 3D elements, four characters with a backpack, twelve object cards, a dice and instructions. It is designed for boys and girls from 3 years. It has an approximate price of 14.95 euros.

Peppa Pig is an adorable pig, although a little bossy, he lives with his little brother George, his father and his mother. He loves to jump over muddy puddles, laugh, visit his grandparents and play with his friends, among which is the Suzy sheep. It is currently broadcast on children's channels Clan, Disney Junior and Super 3. Peppa Pig videos are among the most played on the net, and a demonstration of their popularity are the over 150 million page views on the Clan page.