The stunning photograph of the exact moment when a mother has a contraction during her birth

The human body is an incredible machine. When we start thinking about everything we can do through it, we can only help but be amazed at its perfect functioning and capacity. Without a doubt one of the most powerful things you can do is give life.

And for sample, the impressive photograph that captured the exact moment in which the mother's body had a contraction during your delivery

When we talk about the process of giving life, it is inevitable to be surprised at all the changes that our body goes through over nine months. During pregnancy we have a complete transformation, which culminates with one of the most emotional moments that exist: childbirth.

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In this, the mother's body experiences a series of powerful physical changes, such as contractions, which are undoubtedly one of the biggest pains that can be experienced, but that will end with the arrival of our baby.

However, although on many occasions we have talked about how the contractions feel and the path and effect they have on the body, rarely can we see the moment in which they happen (unless, of course we are frequently present during a delivery).

But thanks to the image captured by photographer Meredith Westin Gather Birth, we have the opportunity to observe how the mother's body changes at the exact moment of contraction.

The image, which was originally published on his Instagram account, managed to capture one of the most painful moments of childbirth, showing us the strength of the mother while his belly was deformed due to contraction.

Look at this birthing body at work. A good doula knows how to help birth keep moving (like suggesting the always amazing toilet position), but also knows when to stand back, let you get in the zone and rock your birth. The hardest part of birth can be getting out of our bodys way. The strength in this photo is physical and mental. Its immeasurable. A doula is there to help remind you of your strength when it feels impossible. We know you can do it. You are doing it. Photography and Doula from Gather Birth Cooperative | Minneapolis, St. Paul Birth Photography + Doula + Postpartum Sessions + Film + more @gatherbirth | image description A woman sits on a toilet, her pregnant belly bulging with a contraction. Another woman, a doula, sits across from her rubbing her legs. #minnesotaborn #birthwithconfidence #birthwithoutfear #empoweredbirthproject #empoweredbirth #positivebirth #birthbecomesher #birthundisturbed #strongasamother #birthphotographer #mnphotographer #doula #birthdoula #mamahood #motherhoodrising #tribedemama #motherhoodintheraw

In Babies and more, do you know that you will have six types of contractions during pregnancy? We teach you to recognize them

Labor contractions

The real contractions are those that indicate that the delivery is already here, and have particular characteristics:

  • They are stronger and, therefore, more painful. The pain grows in intensity as dilation of the cervix progresses to 10 centimeters.
  • They are contractions increasingly regular and rhythmic, that is, they are repeated with less variable intervals. During dilation they reach a rhythm of two or three contractions every ten minutes.
  • Labor contractions intensify with activity (rather than lessen as with false contractions), and do not disappear when resting or changing positions.
  • They last longer and longer (between 30 and 70 seconds).
  • Labor contractions are perceived as lower back cramps or as intense menstrual pain.
  • The belly gets hard and you may feel pain in the groin or crotch by also involving the ligaments in this area.
  • They can be accompanied by abdominal cramps and diarrhea.
  • The pain can be located in the abdomen and lower back or spread to the legs (although this can also happen in false contractions, in labor the pain is much more intense).

It is certainly an impressive image, which shows us what the strong and powerful body of women is able to bear during childbirth, and allows us to appreciate even more the birth of a baby.

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Video: Labor And Delivery Child Birth. Manipal Hospitals (May 2024).