You can now vote for the name of the panda bear at the Madrid Zoo

On August 30, at dawn, the giant panda female Hua Zui Ba gave birth to a beautiful panda bear stuffed animal, they won't tell me that it doesn't seem taken from the Zoo's souvenir shop.

And now all Internet users You can now vote for the name of the giant panda bear at the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid.

The popular baptism, through Facebook, will be carried out among the five official proposals.

From last October 8, all Internet users can participate in the vote of the name of the giant panda bear, born on August 30 at the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid, through the official Facebook page of the Zoo.

The "favorite" by the fans will be decided among the five official proposals that intend to pay homage to Madrid as the birthplace of the panda puppy and the Chinese origin of his parents, Hua Zui Ba and Bing Xing.

The popular vote will be resolved between the following names:

DE MAO (cat from Madrid), in reference to the Madrid of traditional parents, city of "adoption" of Hua Zui Ba and Bing Xing.

DE FU (fortune or gift from Madrid), the birth of the fourth panda at the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid is a cause for celebration in the breeding and reproduction program of the giant panda, a “gift” for Madrid.

XI FU (fortune or gift from Spain), alluding to the only family of giant panda bears that can be visited in Spain, a symbol of this severely threatened species.

DE BAO (baby or toddler from Madrid), the panda puppy has become the most popular and expected small of 2013 among visitors to Zoo Aquarium in Madrid.

XING BAO (Star Treasure), in reference to the name of its parent Bing Xing (ice star) that comes to mean his father's treasure or “star treasure”.

Until next December 5, all Internet users will be able to vote their “favorite” name for the new panda male. From then on, the official baptism of the puppy will be carried out once the hundred days of its birth is completed, as the Chinese tradition says.

Live images of mother and baby

Mother and baby can already be seen, in their interior bedroom, from the screen installed in the panda bear pagoda. Through the screen installed on the outside of the panda pagoda at the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid, the public can now see unpublished images of mother and baby in their interior bedroom where they enjoy greater privacy. Live, it is possible to see how the little panda is breastfed in his mother's lap, the endearing image of both sitting while Hua Zui Ba feeds on bamboo or the moments when the mother protects the little one with her legs while both remain asleep

Inside the panda pagoda, the incubator for newborns assigned by Dräger has been installed, where veterinary examinations will be carried out sporadically for the breeding of Panda Giant by the veterinary team of Zoo Aquarium in Madrid and Chengdu technicians.

The panda puppy, which grows day by day under the constant attention of his mother Hua Zui Ba, has proven to be a male overflowing with health and with a great appetite that has gradually gained weight in his 38 days of life, going from 210 grams to 2.24 kilograms, currently. The little one already shows the spots and characteristic appearance of a panda although We will have to wait a few months for its presentation in society and observe how it takes its first steps.

Video: Madrid Zoo names panda "Xing Bao" (July 2024).