Do you know what your children would really like to do?

What is the point of life if you do not enjoy the things you really like? What is the point of your children's lives if they cannot play, dance and deal only with the here and now?

I think you will like this video, in the end the father goes to the side of his daughter, because going to English, computer and chess classes may be useful for the future, but Who says the girl can't live on what she really likes?

Wollen wir tanzen? - Do we dance? DEUTSCHE Untertitel by dm_523e02e4c6a97

Think about it: your children's childhood is on course, then there is no turning back. If you don't soak up their smiles, you learn to play with them, you stop worrying about uncertain things (you even stop worrying for a moment about those that are really happening), when will you do it? When are they 20 years old?

Of course not, by then they will have their life done, and in it the parents will already occupy a secondary place. Today can be a good day to dance with them, play with the cushion, laugh at their pranks, and look at them without seeing in them what we would like them to be.

Do we get to it?

Video | JAF productions at Dailymotion In Peques and More | We have forgotten to live and allow our children to live. Interview with Laura Perales Bermejo, Parents have little time to play with their children, although they would like to increase it

Video: What Would Your Kid Do: SERIES 2 - Episode 2 Part 1 (July 2024).