The Alain Afflelou Foundation and Toys'r'us come together to prevent the vision problems of schoolchildren

The Alain Afflelou Foundation starts the 14th School Failure Prevention Campaign under the motto Seeing well is not a child's play. The problem is that 25% of children of school age suffer some undiagnosed visual problem, so the leading French optical firm has Allied with the toymaker Toys'r'us to help sensitize parents about the importance of good visual health to achieve academic success.

90% of the information the student receives is through sight and the 14th School Failure Prevention Campaign allows qualified optometrists of their more than 260 opticians check your eyesight free for children between 5 and 7 years and give glasses to everyone who needs it. The campaign will be active until October 15, 2013, and will be done following a clinical protocol endorsed by the most prestigious faculties in Optometry.

To make the campaign more visible and raise awareness among the largest number of parents, guardians and teachers, the optical company has partnered with Toys'r'us, the leading toy distribution company, so the School Failure Prevention Campaign will be visible in the 49 outlets of Toys'r'us, and the more than 260 of Alain Afflelou.

In addition, all children who visit Alain Afflelou optics from September 1 to October 15 will receive a 5 euros discount check at Toys'r'us for purchases over 30 euros although the promotion has restrictions that should be known.

With the early revisions that the Alain Afflelou Foundation will make free of charge, they will be able to diagnose and prevent more quickly the main visual diseases of children: congenital cataract and refractive defects such as farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism, amblyopia or “lazy eye” and strabismus among others.

In the latest edition of the School Failure Prevention Campaign 9,174 children were checked and 5,048 glasses were given away. There is a toll-free number: 900 81 11 70 (as seen in the image) to get information about the campaign and learn about the closest optics.

The Alain Afflelou Foundation also tells us what are the symptoms that children can show and to which we must be alert:

  • Avert your eyes to look or look at distant details
  • Twist your eyes or squint
  • You have frequent or unexplained headaches
  • He seems to have his eyes lost when talking to someone
  • Presents pendular eye movements
  • His pupil looks white
  • It is very close to television or books
  • Adopts torticollis (crooked neck) positions when reading or doing homework, which may eventually manifest as neck or back pains
  • Have recurrent bepharitis or styes
  • He rubs his eyes frequently
  • Wink at sunrise