Nursing mothers meet today in Primark stores across Spain (and I applaud their method)

Yesterday we said that complaints about nursing mothers will probably increase, since there are more and more mothers who breastfeed in public and consequently more people who feel upset or offended. The last episode and perhaps the most played to date is the one that happened a few days ago in Primark, when a mother was invited to leave the store so as not to disturb other clients.

From that moment the social networks began to release smoke and various "tetadas" were programmed as a protest in the stores Primark. The days have gone by, people have been adding up and the "tetadas" of today have become "meetings of parents and families", and I applaud the change of strategy because I believe that from common sense and reason they will achieve much more.

At seven in the afternoon

Will happen at seven in the afternoon, peninsular time. Families from all over Spain will approach stores Primark to try to show, both to the stores of the brand, which has not yet pronounced on the matter, as to the rest of the world (who wants to know, because what happened has already been commented on in many news media), that breastfeeding a baby is normal, which is a baby's need and that it should be possible to do it where the child needs it.

From "tetada" to family reunion

I may be wrong, but the issue of "Tits" has never seemed the best way to address breastfeeding normalization. It is terrible that a woman is discriminated against and invited to leave because she is breastfeeding her son, but it does not seem positive to gather dozens of women breastfeeding at the same time at the scene, with screams in unison and with banners , because the claim becomes, in my view, a provocation, and in these matters it is better to take care of the ways not to increase the reasons for rejection, both by the "guilty" and those who pass by without knowing what the subject is about. In addition, it is better not to give reasons to anyone so that they can notify the security of the center or the police.

For all this I applaud the method of protest they have chosen and that the Facebook group Primark discriminates against breastfeeding women is spreading today to all go to one. They have decided that it is not a manifestation, nor a concentration nor a protest, if not simply a meeting of parents, relatives and other people who support the cause.

At seven o'clock everyone will see at the entrance of the Primark of each city without disturbing, without collapsing the entry or exit of other people, without obstructing the business activity, without banners or brochures, without slogan or shouting, and without making a "tetada", that is, without all the mothers arriving and once at the door breastfeeding their babies all together, but obviously breastfeeding the babies that at that time require it.

Once there it will be done delivery to the heads of Primark of a joint writing which will explain why babies have to have the right to be fed where they need it and why mothers have to be able to breastfeed them wherever the baby asks. In addition, it will be explained to mothers, fathers and people who support the cause that the next step, and the logical step, is express the claim to the ombudsman to study the specific case, but also the situation of many women in Spain, who are discriminated against for breastfeeding, and take action on the matter if they see fit. For this, everyone will be informed that, at the request of the ombudsman, it is done through the internet by writing to: [email protected] (obviously, you can write anyone for this reason without having to attend meetings).

In Spain there is no law that defends that a woman can breastfeed where her baby needs it, but it is that it shouldn't be necessary to create it, because it is something so logical that it falls by its own weight. That is why it seems perfect to me to do so, naturally, normally, peacefully, explaining the reasons without, as I say, giving reasons that may increase rejection.

Video: Breastfeeding moms meet for group photo (July 2024).