Hydration in infants

The intake of liquids in the smallest becomes very important in summer, when temperatures rise and we must compensate for the greatest losses as well as maintain the level of water in the body to prevent dehydration and prevent heat stroke. Therefore, today we will express some lines regarding infant hydration, that is, of our babies.

How much liquid do you need daily?

Newborns have a higher percentage of fluid in their body than adults, since about one 75% of your body is waterTherefore, we need to maintain this high proportion for your body to function properly.

It is estimated that among 0 and 6 months of life The child is fed exclusively from breast milk or by artificial breastfeeding, and the consumption of approximately 700 ml of milk daily.

Between the 6 and 12 months of life, water will not only be derived from beverages but also from solid foods that are incorporated into complementary food. In this period it is recommended that babies consume between 900 and 1000 ml of liquid every day, being between 60 and 70% derived from liquids proper, such as fruit juices, breast milk or formula, or water simply.

Tips to take care of infants hydration

Since infants have a higher water content in their body and are not aware of their needs as well as it is impossible for us to transmit the desire to drink, we adults must take care of babies hydration of the family.

To achieve good hydration in the small infant we recommend:

  • Offer the chest on demand and more frequently, in addition to providing liquid, breast milk provides mineral salts and electrolytes that prevent dehydration. If breastfeeding, it is not necessary to give it water, because breast milk is composed of 90% water and is sufficient to preserve hydration in summer.
  • If it is fed by artificial feeding, it's advisable offer extra bottles of water, although without forcing its consumption.
  • Prepare formula milk correctly so as not to excessively concentrate the milk and limit the supply of liquids and minerals that the baby's organism needs.
  • To children who already eat solid foods, offer more fruits and vegetables, as well as cold soups or smoothies of allowed foods, with the aim of adding water with the food they eat.
  • Offer water frequently to babies who already eat solid foods in addition to breast milk or formula.
  • Avoid sodas to hydrate to children, because they also contain a lot of sugar and calories, they have a mild diuretic effect and do not hydrate as water does.

With these tips you can take care of hydration in infants and thus, prevent the consequences that the high temperatures that characterize the summer can cause.

Video: Signs of dehydration in a child (July 2024).