Babies under 3 months: beach or mountain?

It usually happens that when summer arrives and the baby is still small, the parents do not know very well what to do, whether to go on vacation or not to go and, in case of looking for a destination, whether to go to the beach or the mountain.

It is not that there are no more options, you can always look for a hotel in any place and devote to that of "do everything", but how is the economic situation as it is and how many enjoy looking for a bit of nature that allows us disconnect from the worldly noise, today we will try to answer the question: When our baby is under 3 months old, to the beach or the mountain?

To the beach, of course

The first option, which I would say is the one that most choose, is to go to spend a few days somewhere near a beach. It is a destination to keep in mind because you do not depart completely from civilization and there is no problem if you need to buy something at the supermarket or if you need something from the pharmacy or approach a health center or hospital, which is something that always You have to keep in mind when traveling with children.

The problem is, beach, what it is the beach, it is better to see it little. The heat and the noise of people who can originate makes the beach not the perfect place for a baby to spend several hours. The ideal is to go ready in the morning or in the afternoon, when the sun is still not very intense, and have it under an umbrella, with a cream of physical factor, because the umbrellas let 30% of the sun's rays pass and those of chemical factor are absorbed and have a higher risk of producing reactions, with a light t-shirt and with the precaution of breastfeeding often to hydrate.

You can dip it a little in the water, but come on, just enough to take the pictures of rigor, that the temperature of the water is not usually too pleasant for babies.

Let's say that, in essence, we go to the beach with the baby but totally conditioned by their rhythms and their needs, to the point that the beach is little stepped, dad and mom bathe in shifts, appear quite loaded and end up leaving the beach at home just when people start arriving at the beach.

To the mountain of course

The second option, which is usually a minority because the heat usually takes you to the water, and there is none, but you are looking for a river or a place with swimming pools, it's the mountain.

There are options such as rural houses, campsites, lodges and even hotels in mountain areas where a family can live a life similar to what they could do on the beach, going out for a while to see the green nature, instead of the sea, and with less options to cover a possible emergency plan "get off to buy at the supermarket" or "approach the pharmacy".

At the time of going out for an excursion we are again loaded with the things of the three in the backpack and with the need to have to take the child in a backpack or scarf, to be able to walk quietly and access places that we could not otherwise (baby carriage and mountain do not marry too well). We will also have to put sunscreen and wear it with a hat, if the head is left out, and stop every so often to hydrate, feed and change the odd diaper.

In any case, we are more or less in them. Is better Get out early and not be out for a long time to avoid the hottest hours, we must walk through easy areas, without going too far, with maps, and having told someone where we are going to walk. We have the advantage that you can always look for a grove or shaded area, but in general, the temperature rises as noon approaches and it is better not to be doing adventurous inventions.

So, beach or mountain?

It is you who have to answer this question and the answer is basically linked to what you would answer if you didn't have a baby. That is, you can go to the beach with a baby and you can also go to the mountain, so if you move between these two choices, choose the one you like best.

The mountain throws me more because the beach overwhelms me a lot, but I am also a bit of a puppy and walking through the mountains in the middle of summer is not one of the things that excites me the most. Both options have their pros and cons and you are really going to spend little time on the beach and little time on the mountain, because you go with a little baby and where else you will be will be where you are staying. In your hand is.

Video: 11 Months Baby Update - First Baby! (July 2024).