Dads and Moms Blogs (CXC)

This summer Tuesday in Babies and more we do not go on vacation and, as we do every week, we will go into cyberspace to see what stories we can find in the moms and dads blogs of the network. Here we share new perspectives, reflections, experiences, experiences and advice left to us by other parents.

We start with the blog Learning from the children, which tells us about a topic that is very topical: the danger of diving. It is always good to remember: in the pool or in the sea, beware of dangerous head dives.

We continue with Mommy also exists, who declares himself a fan of Disney movies and a fan of the Princesses, so he leaves us some ideas of wigs of the famous female characters and a funny scene of the girls-princesses of Big Bang Theory.

Mommy Treated It is closed for vacations but before leaving we left these interesting holiday ideas to do with the kids. Postcards, travel books, very summer jars ... Have a good time!

We return with the fun Frikerizo parents that tell us the fiestón of the year: the first birthday of the padawan. How they organized it and how well they had it, all the details they prepared ... make you want to go to the next party!

In Tremendous adventure being a mother Claudia tells us about the teething process since her little Miriam is going through it and wonders if it is a simply annoying process or can also cause pain.

We continue with Mamamedusi, which in his blog tells us about "Aparatejos and cachivaches: the towels": for the bathroom, the beach ... which one is better for the baby and the child?

In the road safety blog Safe Circle They tell us about traveling with babies in summer and what to take. Very interesting tips for car trips with the little ones.

We finish with Marta, who in Diary of something special He tells us about motivational skills and gives us advice on how parents can motivate our children. Explore, learn to think ... good ideas to put into practice!

We hope you enjoyed some of our review moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Do not forget that if you have a blog in which you share stories about your children or about issues related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments or on our contact form your address for us to read and comment on.

Video: Jamaican Student LOSES Mother & Father but GETS 10 SUBJECTS grade 1 DISTINCTION In CSEC (May 2024).