If you are planning pregnancy, get fit

During pregnancy, the body undergoes many changes, the most obvious of all the volume of the belly, but many others inside. Regular exercise helps us adapt to these pregnancy changes more easily, and also prepares us to deal with labor and postpartum recovery.

Therefore, if you are thinking about getting pregnant and do not exercise, it is time to start. The body prepares in this way for a healthier pregnancy, because in this way we will not have to start from scratch when we get pregnant; Or, worse, let's not exercise during pregnancy because we are not used to it.

If we practice some physical activity continuously before becoming pregnant, we will strengthen the muscles, improve resistance, favoring blood circulation. In addition, the welfare state provided by the practice of exercise could favor conception. And it is that stress could act against fertility (although this point is not entirely clear).

We don't talk about stress sports or very vigorousIf you have never practiced exercise, it is better to start small, so that the body becomes accustomed to that activity and it is easier for you to continue it during pregnancy (even increasing the level of effort moderately; sometimes the body asks for more).

All this, if there is no medical contraindication or there is a risk for pregnancy that would make it unadvisable to continue exercising.

If you are not used to physical activity, it is convenient start by gentle practices such as hiking, swimming or yoga ... These same exercises you can continue without problems during pregnancy. There are many exercises suitable for this stage, and it is up to you and your tastes to choose, or to choose a combination of several.

The least recommended is to start a new activity to which the body is not accustomed before pregnancy (or at any other stage of life), as it could have a negative impact on our state.

Tips for practicing sport before pregnancy

The tips for practicing exercise at this preconception stage They do not differ from general advice for any adult. It is convenient to do our physical activity in a safe way, starting little by little, without forcing the rhythm, activating the cardiorespiratory system during the time that is comfortable for us.

Especially if we are not used to exercise, if we have led a sedentary lifestyle, it is best to start small and gradually increase the pace, without overestimating our abilities.

Bring appropriate clothing and footwear, that perspire, do not exercise outdoors in the hottest hours, keep a good hydration, protect from the sun ... Never forget to perform warm-up exercises before the activity and stretching afterwards, in this way we prevent injuries.

We must ensure certain constancy in the exercise, if it is not possible every day, at least three or four days a week. This is an excellent rhythm that we will try to maintain during pregnancy. If we are used to exercising for several days, then it will not cost us anything to continue like this. In fact, we will miss it if for some reason we cannot exercise.

If we begin to exercise with our partner, then it will be easier for us to continue accompanying us during pregnancy if we wish, thus getting a little more involved and doing the most bearable exercise to be able to share it.

Then, once we are pregnant, we have to consult the gynecologist the convenience of continuing with our exercise practice, in case there is a problem. And of course, as the pregnancy progresses we will have to adapt to our weight and volume, to our state, which is probably not very vigorous during the last quarter.

It is then that we will have to lower the pace and adapt the exercises to this stage, introducing new modalities that mitigate the possible discomforts (edema, sciatica, hemorrhoids ...) and that prepare us for childbirth (stretching exercises, abdominals, breathing, bids, kegel exercises ...).

In short, what we want is to establish exercise in our way of life, so that this healthy habit continues during pregnancy and with the arrival of the baby. Later, it will be great to be able to share physical activity with our children.

For all this, and although many times you can not plan, If you are thinking about getting pregnant, you should start getting fit to continue like this when you finally achieve pregnancy. Surely this will be a stage not only healthier, for you and your baby, but also happier.

Photos | Fuzzyyol and jonny.hunter on Flickr-CC In Vitónica | Prepare before you start exercising if you are sedentary In Babies and more | When to start exercising during pregnancy ?, Training in the first trimester of pregnancy, Ten tips for a healthy and happy pregnancy