Why I recommend traveling with our children when they are young

Traveling is probably one of the experiences that most people like, and besides being fun and wonderful, it has many benefits. It is definitely an activity that you enjoy a lot, let's do it with family or friends.

But when we have babies or toddlers, traveling becomes a bit complicated and even some people think it's not worth doing because they won't remember. But I think differently, and today I want to tell you why I recommend traveling with our children when they are young.

Travel: before and after having children

This writing is not about painting life or traveling with young children pink or saying that it is an idyllic experience. I am realistic and I know that having children some things can be complicated, but undoubtedly, it also makes them better. And travel is one of those things.

Before having children, on all or most of the trips, it was just a matter of finding who to go with (if it wasn't with the family), drawing up the plan, buying plane tickets or planning the logistics of the car trip, pack your bag and go, time to go! But after having children, although the bases may be similar in terms of destination planning and dates, Now we have to consider many other factors that didn't exist before, how to also prepare your clothes, make sure you bring all the objects or accessories they need, be prepared for any unforeseen event that may arise, and so on.

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And also, traveling with children makes that relaxing and stressful image we have of the holidays change, because if we used to pack a book to read in front of the sea, now reading is definitely out of the plans because we will deal with other activities with them.

But even though the holidays change meaning and now it takes us more time to plan a trip or take things that we didn't load before, traveling with children is still a positive experience for the whole family. As in everything, we adapt to the changes that the arrival of the children brings us.

"They won't remember anything"

In addition to special situations in which for some reason a trip cannot be made, one of the main reasons why some parents decide not to travel when they have babies or young children, is because they think it doesn't make much sense to do it, since they won't remember anything.

I understand this perfectly. Some of the trips I made with my parents I don't remember (and I wasn't even that small), but somehow, I remember the feeling and feeling of having made them in their company, and thanks to the photographs of those trips, I think with much affection in the childhood that they gave me and in all the things that we lived together, although I do not remember them clearly.

And that is the wonderful thing about childhood, which is recorded, even at the bottom of our memory. Surely most do not remember their first toys or their first times in doing something, but deep inside them, there is the pleasant memory of having shared those moments with your family. For me, this happens the same with holidays.

Why we should do it if we have a chance

Naturally, I am writing this because I love traveling since I was young and it has always been my passion. But now that I am a mom, it is for me one more way to share with my daughter, show her the world around us and discover new experiences by her side.

The most special and expected trip I want to tell you why this trip was so important to me. If you have time following me, you know that one of my passions is traveling. I love it, I love it and I try to do it a couple of times a year. I used to travel alone or with my family and now I do it with Lucia. I have traveled through Mexico, the United States and Europe. I have visited 8 countries and cities, I really lost count after number 40 and so many. I have returned to many places, others I miss them and I long for madness and excessive nostalgia. Now that I have Lucia, one of my purposes is to show her the world, to travel as much as possible with her. And it is that traveling enriches a lot and even if you return to a place you already knew before having children, when you return with them it feels like it was the first time. And it is nice. But hey, getting back to the point of all this. This has been my most special and long-awaited trip since I was a mother, the first trip alone, mother and daughter. We regularly travel with my family or with more friends, but now we went alone to the adventure. At the beginning I was nervous to be in two unknown airports alone with Lucia and María Felix's luggage that I always carry, but everything went well, we had a lot of fun and Lucia had an incredible time from day one to the last. For me that is the biggest reward. Of course, all this would not have been possible, without my friend @mamaymaestra, who met us at her home and walked us everywhere the days we were there. Thank you for everything Isis And if any mom is thinking about traveling alone with her children, do it. It is a very nice experience that will unite them even more. #momswithcameras #mamabloguera #mamalife #instamama #madresreales #mamafeliz #mamablogger #mommyblogger #realmotherhood #mamablog #realmoms #maternidadreal #cameramama #bloggermama #clickinmoms #momsohard #motherhoodsimplified #motherdaughterlove #toddlerhood #daughterlove #momlifestyle #mymotherhood #igmotherhood #motherdaughtertime #joyfulmamas #mytinytribe #mamamexicana # mamamillennial # unamamámillennial

And yes, it is not easy to travel with young children, not only because of the extra load of luggage that we now carry (and which we must take care of because they still cannot do it), but also because a thousand and one unforeseen events can occur. But I've always thought that enjoy or not a trip with children, also depends a lot on our mentality and attitude.

I personally find that traveling with young children has been one of the most beautiful experiences that motherhood has given me. In the trips that I have made with my daughter and my niece, there is not a single boring day, and those moments in which you see them discover something new, are food for the heart.

I see these photos and everything is worth it. Each peso invested in that trip, each unveiled to advance work and have a few days off with it. Travel with your children, you will not regret it. #momswithcameras #mamabloguera #mamalife #madresreales #mamafeliz #mamablogger #mommyblogger #mamablog #maternidadreal #cameramama #bloggermama #motherhoodsimplified #daughterlove #igmotherhood #ig_motherhood #candidchildhood #thisismotherhood #joyfulmamas #mamarazzi #mytinytribe #our_everyday_moments #inbeautyandchaos #thepursuitofjoyproject # mamámillennial # unamamámillennial #showthemtheworld #travelwithkids #familytravel #balandra

Maybe I'm leaning a lot on the sentimental side, but besides being a beautiful experience that helps us strengthen the bond with our children, while creating memories together that will last in their feelings foreverTraveling as a family is something that benefits children in other aspects.

For example, a study conducted in the United States found that children and adolescents traveling, both in family and on school trips, they were more tolerant and respectful, and presented a greater willingness to learn and try new things.

I understand that you can't always travel, either for economic or time reasons, but You don't need to make a trip to the other side of the world to live that beautiful experience with our children. Something as simple as visiting a neighboring town is something that helps break the routine and gives new and different experiences to our children.

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So if there is an advice I can give you this day, it is this: travel with your children, even if they are small. We may hesitate to do so because we feel that it makes no sense because of his young age, but I assure you that for them it will be a wonderful adventure next to his family, and when they see that glow in their eyes, they will know that everything has been worth it.

Photos | iStock, Pexels

Video: Are We There Yet? Traveling With Young Children (June 2024).