Cookid Teaching Jar is an iPad game with which to collect cookies and learn to associate images and vocabulary

We really liked the game of Juan Pedro Lozano that together with other teammates have created Cookid teaching jar. It is an application for iPad free and without any extra content because it does not include advertising, access to the location, or connectivity with social networks. It is a game for kids from 4 years old and it can help them relate words to images while they play.

The objective is get cookies and break them to discover the pets what's inside them When it is possible to recover a set of pets, it rises and also contributes to Increase Children's Jar. You can see the bookmark on the Cookid website.

The game is very simple although the graphics are extraordinary And they make it very attractive. The usability is very well resolved, it is fluid and very simple for children, they will love to crack cookies! In addition, the game records the success of the child in three available languages: English, French and Spanish.

I really like the proposal of Cookid Teaching Jar that simplifies the interaction or interference with the game to the maximum: There is no advertising, you can not access purchases within the application or any other element that may confuse or distract the child to get rich cookies and discover pets. An image has been invented to explain the absence of these annoying features, especially with children:

The game has just been launched in the category of education, weighs 45.6 MB, has been developed by Juan Pedro Lozano with the company Yreaction Multimedia. It is qualified from 4 years and is free.

Here is an explanatory video that shows how to play:

The kids will like it crack cookiesThere are three different types, collecting pets and learning vocabulary in a simple, fun, entertaining and very well resolved way in Cookid teaching jar.

Video: DIY DOG TREATS (July 2024).