Less extracurricular due to the crisis, more overweight children

The crisis is making a dent in the pockets of families, and in some cases also in their health. The consequences of the economic difficulties on the child population are varied, and one that we had not commented on is the fact that, less extracurricular activities, more overweight children.

Paying a weekly judo, swimming, ballet ... class is not available to everyone, and this has meant a decrease in the enrollment of children in these activities that involved a very healthy exercise. However, they are not the only way to exercise.

We have already seen that the crisis could be the enemy of good food (although it did not have to be), and we can say the same in this case. That is, there may not be money for extracurricular activities, but There are many free ways for children to exercise daily.

Hopefully the crisis did not bring this "setback", because that would mean that parents are aware of the importance of physical activity for our children, and we would look for other ways for children not to be unemployed.

In cities there should be options for outdoor games and sports, as well as offering free activities (or subsidized, at affordable prices, such as municipal swimming ...), more hours of physical education in the school ... If not, we must strive to go on an excursion or just to walk.

Going out to the park, playing with the children, learning to jump, run, play with the ball ... the options are multiple, and the key is that television, video games or the computer are for specific moments and cannot occupy all the leisure time of our children.

It is difficult sometimes in long working hours to look for time to exercise and play together, but you have to look for weekends, or ensure that someone who does not work (who can be a parent or a family member ...) perform these activities with children.

At the same time, I think the crisis also closes some doors to some extracurricular activities that have nothing to do with sports, such as English or music classes ... And of course, the consequence will not be more obese children, but we are not happy to that who decides that their children have these classes can no longer afford them.

But higher obesity rate in Spanish children It does not have to do only with the least performance of physical activity. The diet is largely to blame (and in this sense, it seems that only breastfeeding is saved). Although at the end of the day it is a question of balance between diet and physical activity.

But now they eat more fried and battered, precooked food, saturated fats, excess carbohydrates, excessive consumption of sugar ... It is a good time to remember our advice to eat well despite the crisis.

Anyway, there are many consequences of the current difficult economic situation, but also there are many ways of doing physical activity, and I wish the crisis didn't have to do with it.

Video: Last One Picked, First One Picked On (July 2024).