In the summer of 2013 we will see "Justin and the sword of courage" a Spanish animated film produced by Antonio Banderas

In August of the year 2013 the movie is scheduled to premiere Justin and The Sword of Courage a Spanish production directed by Manuel Sicilia and produced among others by Antonio Banderas. The budget exceeds 20 million euros and as you can see in the trailer the quality of the animations is outstanding. It is an international production in which among the voices of the characters you can find Charles Dance, Alfred Molina, Rupert Everett, Olivia Williams and Antonio Banderas that he repeats in Spanish and English.

It is a animation movie starring Justin who lives in a kingdom that has banished knights and is ruled by bureaucrats. His dream is also to become a gentleman, but his father, Reginald, a high adviser to the queen, wants his son to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. It seems that Justin's grandmother will tell her stories about her grandfather, the noblest knight of the Sir Roland kingdom and that encourages Justin to seek his dream of becoming a gentleman.

From there a lot of adventures, with a girl with whom love will arise, a magician, an abbey in which he will train as a knight and live many more adventures. The abbots will teach him how to handle the sword, how to use magic and Abbot Braulio will show him his contraptions, like the one seen in the video, a propulsion dragon aspiring crocodile that seems very funny and that facilitates the adventures of Justin.

He bad bad thing about the movie seems to be Sota, a character dubbed by Rupert Everett, and who will threaten or attempt to prevent the return of the knights because they are a threat to the kingdom.

It is scheduled to be released in Spain on August 23, 2013 and it seems a fantastic product to share with children for the values ​​that will transmit value, overcoming and honor and for the extraordinary adventures that will be seen on the screen with rich characters in details.

Video: The Underdog Project - Summer Jam Official Video HD (July 2024).