Three foods that can help our children be smarter

Einstein said (or they say he said it) that if someone wants his son to be intelligent, what he has to do is tell stories and that if he wants to be even smarter, what he has to do is tell even more stories. Once the stories told and once the child grows and is already able to read, the books, the good books, can help a lot to develop children's intelligence, and grow in a friendly and respectful environment can help them develop your emotional intelligence, in many cases more important than the intellectual quotient.

Well, having said that, we must add that there are also other ways to get our children to develop their brains and their skills better, and one of them is to take care of their diet. They say we are what we eat, and in a way it is because there are foods that can help our children be smarter. Today we are going to tell you what they are.

More than food, food components

Well, more than food, what helps develop the brain are about components certain found in some foods. It's about the hill, he uridine monophosphate and the Docosahexaenoic acid, better known as DHA, which may sound like you have seen it in some baby milks, as it is one of the components of breast milk.

To affirm that these three components are useful, a study with rodents was carried out a few years ago at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, to which the three components were administered every day. After four weeks they observed improvement in task performance, in the Cognitive abilities and also, they observed that they had occurred chemical changes in the brain which would also increase intelligence.

The researchers explained that, obviously, the fact of taking these components should be linked to activities that help develop intelligence, such as problem solving, reading in children, calculation and memorization exercises, etc.

What are the foods that contain these components?

Known components, we need to know what foods contain them:

  • Eggs: they contain choline, which is a substance that favors synapses, which is the connection between neurons. Like everything that happens in our body, including thinking, reasoning, emotions and so on, it depends on the speed with which synapses are carried out, the better they are, in theory, the better our aptitudes.
  • Beet: It has in its composition uridine monophosphate, which also favors synapses and that increase cognitive skills.
  • Blue Fish: It is rich in docosahexaenoic acid, which is an omega 3 fatty acid that comes to do the same as the previous foods.

Now we just need to feed them these foods daily and provide them with activities that can help them develop their brain and their skills, but (eye) that they like, that they are games, enjoy with them. In case you are not able to give them these foods every day (first because of the taste and secondly because eating the same thing ends up being boring for anyone), rest assured, the mere fact of spending time with them and doing stimulating activities It will make you smarter.

Video: Dr. Bill Sears on How to Raise a Smarter Baby - #4 (July 2024).