The Popular Party is studying the implementation of a kind of "Taxation for Citizenship" subject in Spanish schools

This morning El Mundo (paid edition), publishes that the Popular Party will propose in the Congress of Deputies that children study since age 11 tax knowledge so that when they have the capacity to generate income they pay taxes so that fraud in Spain can be avoided.

The proposal of the Popular Parliamentary Group It was registered last Thursday, January 24, 2013 in the Congress of Deputies as a non-Law proposal. The challenge is to ensure that secondary school children have sufficient knowledge and a financial and tax culture that allows them to manage Your adult life properly. In addition, El Mundo continues, the goal is that among 11 and 18 years old Spanish students know concepts as a bank account, pension fund, financial instrument, loan and mortgage and also know what is the operation of the tax system. It is also intended to give a new air to mathematics so that not only mathematical problems are taught in classes but also those related to finance and taxes.

In Spain there are already similar initiatives such as those of the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission, and which we have commented on Peques and Más. This is the proposal of Finance for all that aims to improve the financial culture of citizens so that We can face the increasingly complex financial environment in the best conditions.

In my opinion I think there are more important lessons to be learned by students in Spain, especially before they escape by land, sea and air from Spain definitely. For example, it is essential to foster a business culture that helps build and establish a competitive and productive country. Therefore, it seems incredible that children are taught the feeling that when they start making money, what they will have to do is return it. It's like a new updated culture of the sack man.

The danger in addition to this type of initiative is to facilitate the belief that not only do you have to pay taxes, but how many more taxes you pay will be better or, more dangerous, that the only way to get a country to get ahead is to pay taxes. .

So we encourage the Popular Party, or any of the other parties that go to Congress to legislate, to review the large number of initiatives that are being created for children, and that we also try to count on Peques and More, so that our children Learn to compete in equality, to generate wealth, to be productive, that the effort be rewarded and that the income you get in the future will be profitable for Spain.

Financial and tax education is fundamental, yes, although not to scare creatures by making them responsible for the failures of others' past because that is not a good idea. If you have children near the age of 11, leave thinking that in as soon as they turn 16 you will have to prepare them to go to another country.

Video: Researchers Are Using Machine Learning to Screen for Autism in Children (July 2024).