"The navel of Athena", new book by psychologist Mónica Álvarez

Today I come to recommend you the new book of the psychologist Mónica Álvarez, of which we have already spoken to you in the past, both for his works specialized in grief, and presenting it directly in a series of interviews. The book is called "The navel of Athena" and I loved it so much that I believe that every woman who is going to be or is a mother would benefit greatly from reading it.

Motherhood awakens sleeping intelligences and with this book the experiences of all these facets are accompanied and named (the mother, the daughter, the wife, the executive, the ecologist, the woman who brings the family together ...) that all women We mothers develop. However, many of us live with guilt because socially a multiphasic model is not shown, but it is expected to be a single thing in every moment of life.

This beautiful book reveals to us that these facets are natural "faces" of the carved diamond that we are each woman and that can be lived completely, without giving up any; that the unnatural is "to be this or that". We can live our complexity, so perfect and so imperfect at the same time, from our instincts, our magic cauldron of wise women and our modern life.

"The navel of Athena" It represents each part of the feminine complexity with a goddess of classical mythology that embodies a facet very clearly and clearly.

"The navel of Athena" by the psychologist Mónica Álvarez It is enjoyable, it is clear and it tells us a vision of the reality of the complexity of motherhood that we have not read anywhere. It can be purchased from this link on the page of the work and its price is 11.45 euros on paper and cheaper if we buy it in digital versions.