Do dyslexic children feel different?

The International Dyslexia Association defines this disorder as 'a specific learning problem that has a neurological origin'. It is characterized by difficulties of precision and fluency in word recognition and decoding and word writing problems.

We are not going to introduce more information about dyslexia because we already did it in this post, and in this one. Actually what we would like is to bring you the experience of a dyslexic child from another point of view: the experience of the affected person. It is in the school where the primary detection of dyslexia is usually given, and the teacher or head of the psycho-pedagogical team advises parents to go to the pediatrician, who may refer to a neurologist or specialized private center.

And it is also in the school where the little ones can feel different, even if there is in the environment understanding towards their particular situation. The fact is that as our partner Mireia (of Babies and More) points out from this post, dyslexic children can learn as much as the others, although they may need an adaptation of teaching methods, and more personalized attention.

For our part, we had already introduced how to address school failure in children with Learning Disorders. However the video that heads the post, deserves reflection, about the isolation that dyslexic children can suffer. About how all of us as parents of other children to whom we approach this reality, as teachers we can have a student with dyslexia in class ... we can help them feel more integrated.

Video | In the channel of Education for the New Age In Babies and More | What a child with dyslexia lives in school En Peques y Más | Recommended typefaces for dyslexics

Video: Helping Kids With Dyslexia (July 2024).