Rehabilitate the pelvic floor at home after delivery and supervise us from the hospital

The pelvic floor is an area that suffers a lot during the last stage of pregnancy and in childbirth, since the muscles of the area make a great effort and end up relaxed. Therefore it is important to perform prevention and rehabilitation exercises. HM Hospitals have launched a postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation program.

The gynecological teams of the group and its Pelvic Floor Unit have coordinated and made use of new technologies to avoid as far as possible the movements of women for postpartum control with a telematic system.

To prevent future problems, such as urinary incontinence or sexual dysfunction, these experts consider it necessary for every woman who gives birth, even if it is by caesarean section, to perform postpartum pelvic floor rehabilitation.

After an initial consultation in the hospital, the "Birdi System" allows the woman to follow from her own home the fulfillment and modification of the exercises, whose control is carried out entirely from the Pelvic Floor Unit of the group.

An application to perform the exercises at home

As the pelvic floor rehabilitation is based on the exercise of the muscles of the area by repeated contraction of them (Kegel exercises), the system consists of a device consisting of a digital pressure converter with bluetooth connection and a probe vaginal pressure, which does not sound too comfortable, by the way.

The probe is responsible for reflecting the pressure changes produced in the pelvic muscles during the exercises, while the digital converter takes the pressure measurements and transmits them via bluetooth to a mobile terminal or to a computer in which it is installed the exercise application.

Images that motivate the patient during the exercises and inform if she is doing them properly, or the direct monitoring by the physiotherapists allow a possible modification in the treatment pattern if necessary.

In total, the program lasts four months, and a full assessment is made at least two months and another at the end to verify that everything went well.

Recall that Kegel exercises can be performed from pregnancy and are very good to strengthen the pelvic muscles and recover the shape after delivery. After giving birth, this and other exercises favor the recovery of women, always gradually.

The idea of ​​making a pelvic floor recovery program in hospitals It's great, and starting up the telematic system would have seemed impossible a few decades ago. Hopefully more centers will join it. It is necessary that women and their families become aware of the importance of these exercises for postpartum well-being.

Official Site | HM Hospitals Photo | Ksionic on Flickr-CC On Babies and more | Lifting the baby after childbirth taking care of the pelvic floor, Losing weight and exercising the pelvic floor after childbirth prevents urinary incontinence, Physiofun, Kegel exercises on the Wii, vaginal spheres, "Chinese balls" as postpartum therapy

Video: Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women. Nuffield Health (July 2024).