Photo workshop for children with Kisikosas

Today I bring you a news of one of the activities organized by Kisikosas, Rebeca has had the wonderful initiative to launch a photography workshop for children from 6/7 to 14 years.

When we think of photographers, an adult person comes to mind who seeks his inspiration in different subjects to express his creativity. Less frequently we find adolescents who opt for photography as a means of expression.

But And the younger children?, my oldest son asked us a few months ago for the compact camera that we no longer used and we gave it to him. With it he captures images, makes tests, and feels very good having in his hands an instrument in which to 'save' moments of his daily life. During the month of July an edition of the workshop is being carried out, and From August 3, another of the groups will be able to receive their classes. With the registration the children receive a private pass to the Kisikosas photography school, and much more ...

Consultation forums, playground, experiments and lots of fun. During the four weeks of the course, the children will have daily access to new topics and the time can be distributed as they wish. They will learn having fun, reading and sharing with classmates and the teacher.

They will also have the possibility to develop a network of people with affinities, and meet some inspiring photographers

The course costs 50 euros and discounts have been included for when more than one brother is enrolled.

I think it's a fantastic initiative, and an opportunity for all those children who aspire to be better photographers. A course to suit you, because summer is for fun and offers us all the opportunity to develop our own interests.

Video: Summer Kiddie Workshops. Young Photographers: Photography Workshop for Kids (July 2024).