They ask your son if "it has been good" ?: the question of the week

As every Wednesday we are going to propose a question for you to send us your answers and vote the ones you like most in our Babies and more Answers section. First we are going to raise the question of the week and then we will collect the best answers, in the opinion of the readers, among those that you have given to the question of the previous week.

This week's question is going to deal, precisely, with a question and the impertinent questions asked of children.

They ask your son if "it has been good?

It is common for even strangers to approach children and ask unexpected questions. Some are nice but others, despite good intentions, can be annoying or disconcerting.

One of them is that of “you have been good”, as if the children might not be good or if anyone could enter to judge them. Has it happened to you?

In the link of the question that will take you to Our Answers section You can tell us how you feel and what you or your little ones respond.

Last week's question

Last week we asked you What activities and games will you do this summer with your children? And we received very interesting answers.

The most valued response has been that of Waxpa who has shared with us great ideas to spend a great summer with the little ones of the house.

We have been preparing the holidays this week: - We are going to paint stones to decorate the pots on the terrace - In the greengrocery they have given us boxes of strawberries and we are going to paint them to make a train for toys - We have a lot of balloons water to play in the park to get wet - We already have the inflatable pool on the terrace - We plan to make an excursion to the airport to see the airplanes - The one my girl likes most, we will go to the lagoon to see ducks :) Ufff we have many things thought, I don't know if we will have time for this whole summer ...

And again, we remind you that the question for this week It is already available and you have a week to answer it. Please do it in the section of Baby Answers and more and not responding to this entry so that everyone can vote and take it into account next week.

Video: I'd kill my son if he did this to my phone! STEVE HARVEY (July 2024).