We must all get involved to enhance the positive values ​​of school-age sport

We have talked on previous occasions of many aspects related to sports in children, emphasizing the benefits it provides or the feeding of children who play sports.

Now that we enter the final stretch of the academic year, it would be good if we all reflect on the values ​​that can be developed through 'school-age sport', understanding the latter as the set of physical / sports activities that take place on schedule non-teaching, and in which you voluntarily participate.

We believe that sport can be used as a tool for personal and social development since these are very motivating activities. But for this development to consist of positive values, all the agents that are involved: entities, monitors and families, we must get involved promoting favorable attitudes. I think that many times we have a mistaken idea of ​​the true purpose of sports in children, focusing all our interests on the final result. And then our mouths are filled talking about non-competitiveness, avoiding violence in sport, etc.

It is necessary to consolidate healthy sports models and habits, through which responsibility and civics are promoted

The role of families in the acquisition of values ​​through sports practice:

General recommendations

  • Families must be willing to live an active lifestyle

  • Before deciding on the sport and entity where it will take place we must inform ourselves, choosing those programs that focus more on development than on results. And also prioritize a teaching focused on respecting the rules.

  • Regarding the type of sport we can respect the children's decision as long as they have had enough information before choosing, and that it is feasible for the family.

  • If our child is part of a sports club or group, we must get involved in common organizational or support tasks.

  • Let's teach children to take care of sports equipment, and to take responsibility for good use.

We have spoken in the introduction of the values ​​that may be associated with the practice of sport. These can be specified in: social values ​​(such as group cohesion, coexistence, participation of all or companionship); and personal values ​​(discipline, sportsmanship, effort, self-expression, etc.)

Attitude during training or competitions

  • Let's act with sportsmanship

  • We also applaud the effort (not just the good plays)

  • Let's respect technical and arbitration decisions

  • Let's be respectful to the fans of the opposing team

  • The good plays of the opposing team are also applauded.

  • The differences with the coach or referee are not resolved during the match or competition, but politely and in a different context.

It is everyone's job that children 'play fair' in sport, and that this becomes a means to bring people closer, not to encourage differences.

Video: What is the most important influence on child development. Tom Weisner. TEDxUCLA (July 2024).