Why do children urinate in bed? it is a book by Dr. Ruiz de la Roja about bedwetting

Dr. Juan Carlos Ruiz de la Roja in collaboration with Yolanda Zaragoza González has just published the book Why do children urinate in bed? Answers of a doctor. For the first time a specialist doctor, a urologistHe has written about this problem and analyzes it from many perspectives so that parents have visions, experiences and, above all, information to make decisions.

And is that the Bedwetting is a problem that affects 5% of children between 5 and 14 years old and to a also high percentage of adults. Children refer to it as a trauma with relevance within a short distance of parental separation or abuse. I really like the book because it makes it easier for parents to be encouraged to consult their pediatrician and thus be able to eliminate ignorance that is a great barrier that parents have thinking that the disorder will heal itself or that it is better to hide it before publicly recognizing it.

The book mentions why it is recommended to learn about this disorder and when the child is considered to have enuresis. In addition, the causes that favor enuersis are listed, citing inheritance as an important factor. Practices are also shown to help make the diagnosis. The book makes parents aware of the problem and face it in the best possible way.

Because in the face of bedwetting there are still disparate attitudes in the social environment that may conflict with those of the parents and should be resolved. The book also includes a large number of cases and real stories of children Surely they help families with similar cases to relativize the trauma and confront it with professional collaboration.

The experience of the doctor is also appreciated in the large number of practical advice offered to cushion the nighttime pee, for example, avoid punishment, offer encouragement and support, provide rewards when kept dry over time, reduce fluid consumption before to lie down and eliminate the use of the diaper at night. And there are many more that parents can follow in the 168-page work and that reads very quickly. The final section of the book includes more frequent questions about the enuresis some of them technical and specialized in the professional medical language that helps explain and rationalize the problem with families. And it is that training is necessary when ignorance can make enuresis be considered a taboo.

In addition the book includes the information on the Cottoncut page where you can find a fun calendar decorated for 5 euros plus shipping. The objective is that the children can count the dry nights once the treatment has begun.

Video: The Secret Reason You Constantly Have to Pee (July 2024).