Children with leukemia record a promising video clip and broadcast it on YouTube

We woke up today with news that has moved us and that we wanted to echo and is that children affected by leukemia from the Seattle Hospital in the United States, have recorded a video using a song by the singer Kelly Clarkson. The chosen song is Stronger where they demonstrate their strength and thus transmit it to us.

Among other beautiful things, the lyrics of the song he says: you think you have defeated me, you think you have had the last laugh, but what does not kill you makes you stronger. It is admirable the strength and courage of these kids, before an illness that many of us, and adults, would leave us desolate.

In this video clip, produced by a young man with leukemia called Chris Rumble, doctors, nurses and parents of children affected by the disease have also participated, who show us posters with words like: hope, strength and fighter, with his best smile.

Chris, he is the oldest patient of the oncology plant and before the repercussion of the video he has explained, that in addition to being able to see the other happy little ones, it was best to contemplate the excited parents, while they watched their children dancing, singing and having fun , and he hopes that these children can enjoy and share this experience with their friends and family forever.

As for the singer of the subject, Kelly Clarkson has published in his TwitterThat this initiative is beautiful and that you are looking forward to visiting these young people.

Also the hospital has posted recorded images of the making of, which show the illusion of all who participated in the clip. The video that was published on May 6, 2012 on YouTube takes more than 500,000 views.

All ours love and admiration for this great fighters that should serve us all as an example. We leave you both links to the videos, so you can enjoy them as much as we do.

Video: Meet Claire, Finding Beauty in the Sadness. My Last Days (July 2024).