Music books for disabilities are aimed at people with limitations who want to access music practice

The Open Music Foundation has edited some Music notebooks for disabilities after having lived closely some cases of people with mobility limitations in the right hand, who could not study music when that was their vocation.

In fact, the main objective of this entity is to facilitate access to music practice to people with some limitation, allowing them to take advantage of all the benefits of music. It is also possible to improve the physical conditions they have (expanding and providing fluidity of movement) and, above all, to allow them to participate in society with the same opportunities as others. A large group of composers have sensitized to the problems presented by families in which one of its members wanted to study music but was limited. They have also been guided by doctors and the challenge has become a stimulating and productive project.

One of the problems of the music of our time is its lack of presence in music education from the very beginning of learning, with a progressive development in both the conceptual and technical aspects. The Notebooks published by the Open Music Foundation form a group of enormous interest for their variety and didactic spirit in the presentation of various contemporary aesthetics, with an objective that includes not only their first recipients - people with disabilities - but all musicians who wish to approach the wide contemporary musical panorama of our country

It is specifically a collection that could be aimed specifically at people with mobility difficulties in the right hand, and can be studied and interpreted by any musician without physical problems.

However, the sophistication and the level of the pieces have not been reduced, giving the content of the notebooks and CDs a high quality for all those who wish to study them.

In fact, the members of the Open Music Foundation consider that this material is already part of the Spanish artistic heritage while it is an initiative guided by care and sensitivity as infrequent as necessary.

Source | Open Music Foundation In Peques and More | How to develop children's musical talent ?, Music therapy for hospitalized children

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