Don't have time to go to the gym? Exercise with your children

There are many mothers who neglect training due to lack of time, but yes you don't have time to go to the gym There is a fun solution: exercise with your children. And by saying "exercise with your children", I mean use them as a training method.

The mother of three children you see in the video did not find the time to go to the gym and had no one to leave the children with if she left home for a couple of hours, so she has found a way to practice family exercise a entertaining and healthy way, both for her and for her little ones.

He uses them as a training method, instead of elastic balls or rubber, she uses her children as a weight to lift to exercise the muscles. Squats, abs, arm exercises, back ...

The children have a blast and share time with their mother while doing a healthy activity. Of course, you always have to be very careful to avoid any injury of your own or the child.

If you are afraid to use children as a weight to lift, there are also other types of activities that you can do with your children, nephews or grandchildren. Physical exercise is very important and can be a lot of fun, as this ingenious mother teaches us.