Will it be your son? Paternity tests multiply

Times change, and what decades ago became a rumor (sometimes shouted out loud) today can be checked thanks to DNA tests. Also for many people the way of life and of relating is different, and there are probably more children of unknown (or doubtful) parents today than before.

In addition, the echo caused in the pink, yellow and ultimately the media world by famous people who have been tested for paternity (with more or less background soap opera) has also contributed to this type of evidence becoming popular .

Outcome: DNA analysis requests for doubts about paternity have multiplied in recent years, according to different institutes that carry out genetic studies. The majority of fathers (or supposed fathers) and mothers request it during pregnancy, although there are also those who do so immediately after delivery and to a lesser extent throughout the first year of the baby's life.

In the last decade the number of paternity tests performed has multiplied by 40. Of the total genetic tests performed, this type of analysis represents 10%.

As an example, the data of the Argentine Society of Forensic Genetics, where there are 18 laboratories enabled for paternity tests, of which ten carry out the prenatal study. A decade ago they did five prenatal studies a year. Today, more than 200, with up to three daily consultations.

According to figures from the Favaloro Foundation genetic studies center, today statistics indicate that of every ten children born there are one or two who are not biological children of their legal parents.

There are two types of studies that are used to perform the prenatal paternity test. The first is that of chorial villi, which implies a puncture between weeks 12 and 13 of pregnancy. The other study is done by taking a sample of amniotic fluid, starting at week 16. For all cases, it is required that the mother and the alleged father be introduced.

These tests are not without risks to the fetus, which are around 0.5%: one in 200 pregnancies undergoing this test is lost.

As a safe alternative is the paternity test after birth, which is performed using a oral swab and samples must be made to the mother, father and baby. There are kits to take samples at home, but laboratories do not recommend them, since in that case, the study loses the validity of legal evidence.

The point is that Today, many more fathers and mothers wonder who the child is and resort to paternity tests., with multiple combinations of situations: it is the father who has doubts and wishes to know, or may be required to do so against him, it is the mother who is not sure who the father is ...

Although in the end the doubt only falls on the identity of the father, the popular knowledge already says: mother there is only one. One moment, there are already children with two moms ... So, pregnancy there is only one? Yes, even if the egg is not from the pregnant woman ...

Video: Genetics 101 Part 3 of 5: Where do your genes come from? (July 2024).