Kamishibai: the magic of telling stories

The tradition of telling stories has always fascinated young and old alike. It is amazing to see how something as simple as telling a story can open a whole world of new sensations to our children.

And there is a concrete way to do it that has a lot of followers all over the world. I am referring to Kamishibai, something that makes children (and not-so-children) look for the best seat in the place and be absolutely silent to enjoy it. And all this is possible because you could say that the Kamishibai conveys the magic of telling stories.

The characteristics of the kamishibai and, in particular, how it is presented are keys to making the magic of history more easily hooked; Everything the story wants to convey (the values, the feelings of the storyteller ...) are especially marked with the Kamishibai.

What is Kamishibai?

The word Kamishibai comes from Japan, and means "Paper theater". The target audience is mainly groups of young children, and it consists of several pictures with a drawing that represents a scene from a story on one side and the text of that same situation on the other. It can be used both at school and at a children's party at home).

The way of telling the story in the Kamishibai is very simple and is done in the following way: first the sheets are placed in order on a theater, facing the children. Then, the sheets slide smoothly one after the other while the storyteller acts as the master of ceremonies.

Simplicity and beauty

The main characteristic of Kamishibai is its simplicity. The texts found in the pictures are simple, clear and direct, since they use short and easy phrases.

Something that attracts attention in the Kamishibai is that, unlike traditional tales, there are almost no descriptions, since its lack is supplemented by drawings and dialogues.

On the contrary, there are many dialogues that seek a closeness of the personality of the protagonists to the children who are witnessing the story, and thus feel identified with them.

With respect to the drawings that appear on the sheets, these they are large and with very clear strokes, representing simple scenes and avoiding excessive details or funds that can distract.

If we also add to this all the theater, whose main function is to differentiate the real world where our children are from the imaginary world of the adventure we are telling them, we obtain as a result a perfect atmosphere for a good story.

We must not forget, of course, that the role of the storyteller is essential, since it will be he with his words, gestures and other tricks who will transport the children to that fantasy world that catches them from the first moment.


I must admit that the art of telling stories is something that fascinates me, and the kamishibai allows me, not only to use it as work material, but as a means to take children to different worlds where things are very different.

For all those who want to try this highly recommended instrument, I suggest that make groups with several children, since they enjoy the moment more. In this way, they can scream in terror or laugh with very loud joy, something that all children like.

And, at a time when the tradition of telling stories from parents to children is being lost, Kamishibai reminds us of the magic of telling stories. Or at least, he has achieved it with me.

Video: The Three Magic Charms: a kamishibai tale (July 2024).