Special Infant feeding: recipes for children from three years (II)

We already saw a couple of recipes for older children, and today we return with new appetizers, simple and rich recipes for children from three years, when the whole family can enjoy the same menu.

Today we offer you a plate of legumes, lentil salad (as main course) and another of fish with a very special form that will delight the little ones also for their appearance (and they say that they eat by the eyes ...).

We like to remember that for both dishes it will be preferable for older people to add more salt to our food afterwards if we consider it necessary, but it is good to cook with little salt, for children to get used to eating healthier, and they will not miss it . It will also be great for us to reduce the salt content of our menu.

Lentil Salad

Lentil salad can be taken as a first course or as a main course, it will depend on the quantity and if we add certain ingredients that make it a more complete dish. We are going to consider the lentil salad as a main dish, a very appealing recipe especially in summer, when hot vegetables are left to be loved less.

Remember that lentils are very rich in minerals such as iron and calcium, as well as vitamins, so they are especially interesting for children's diet.

We have consumed it this summer on several occasions, it is very simple to do and we need usual ingredients in the pantry: lentils, tomatoes, pepper, eggs, ham or pork loin, potatoes (optional), olives, corn. To season the salad, which is taken cold or warm, olive oil and little salt will suffice.

The lentils must be left to soak the night before, unless they are of fine variety, which do not need soaking. They can be put in the pressure cooker next to the potatoes (which provide carbohydrates) and some bits of lean meat or ham if we prefer cooked.

There is also the possibility of use cooked lentils they sell in boats, the natural one (the quick version of this recipe consists of using lentils of this type and excluding potatoes that also need cooking).

We will also prepare some hard-boiled eggs, remembering that the egg is a very allergenic food (especially the clear one) and its introduction into the children's diet is not recommended until the child's twelve months.

When the ingredients have cooled, we can proceed to add the rest of the ingredients, which are essentially fresh vegetables (corn, chopped tomato, pepper that could also be roasted, a few chopped olives without bone, and cured or cooked ham taquitos if we have not put lean meat in the pot (so as not to accumulate too much protein of animal origin). of olive and a pinch of salt (optional), and eat!

For another idea of ​​lentil salad you can go through this post dedicated to Recipes for pregnant women and this other selection of fresh recipes made with legumes.

Puree fish

We are going to make a puree fishFor what we need white fish (hake goes very well), cheeses, mashed potatoes, oil, salt and tomatoes (or boiled peas), cucumber and an olive to decorate the dish.

Recall that white fish is not very fatty (does not exceed 2%) and is more easily digestible than blue, they also do not have the problem that some blue fish have due to mercury contamination.

The main benefit of white fish is that it contains few fats and calories, and lots of protein. These properties are what make it a highly recommended food for children. Its lean meat is easily digested and provides multiple health benefits. All white fish contain a high nutritional value and are rich in B vitamins and iodine.

This recipe requires a little more elaboration, although you can make a "rustic" version without having to give the fish puree. We cook the fish with a little salt, and when it is ready we remove it from the water (reserve the broth) and carefully crumble it so that no bones or skin are left. We cut some cheeses (or slices of cheese) to mix them with the fish.

With the broth and potatoes we will make the puree, adding a little olive oil or butter, trying to make it thick. We will spread it on a damp dishcloth and place the fish mixture in the center. Roll the puree and the mixture so that they join well and we will give it an elongated shape. Unwind the cloth and place the fish puree in an elongated dish.

Once at the source we can model it a little more to fish shape. We can make an eye with an olive, the scales with slices of cucumber superimposed and cherry tomatoes (or boiled peas) will act as bubbles. Let's eat, sailors!

Finally, we remind you that last week we saw various recipes for children between two and three years old, and previously for younger children. This way no one will be left without their menu.

We hope we have offered good recipe ideas for children from three years, when the usual thing is that the little ones already eat the same as the rest of the family. Soon we will continue with more topics in our Special on infant feeding.

Photos | phil41dean, by onnoth and Joe Photo on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Special Infant Feeding: recipes for children under one year (II), Special Infant Feeding: recipes for children under one year (I), Healthy snacks (II), (I)

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