Three scary cakes for Halloween night

Halloween night is approaching and, although it is not yet a party too established in Spain, it is usually funny to celebrate the event a bit because it is a different, funny party, where there are room for monsters, vampires, witches, bats and skeletons . All the characters that usually do not appear in other parties (sorry for Mickey, Pocoyo, Dora and company).

A fun way to celebrate it is to make a cake that will leave the children speechless. If it is also loaded with chocolate, it is almost impossible not to eat it at ease, so today I will show you three terrifying cakes (or cakes) for Halloween night which, in addition, are not too difficult to do.

The author of these small edible works of art is Sweet Paul, who three weeks ago decided to make them to give ideas. The base of the three, as you can see, is a chocolate cake (and coated with chocolate). Then you just have to add the scenery.

In the cake above all that is needed is the tombstones, which can be made with cookies and a pastry bag with chocolate for the letters. The skeletons and hands will have to be bought, of course and the earth is nothing more than cocoa powder.


In this we see a skeleton (or part of it), achieved with fondant, a sugary mass that is molded as if it were plasticine and that allows you to easily make the different bones that make up the radiography.

And on this cake so funny, because there is not much to say, we can plant elongated cookies (or Tostarrica itself) one after the other until we manage to make the maze. The mouse and cheese will have to manage to get it in stores.

In any case, if it works, the author of the cakes explains how to make them here (in English, of course).

Video: Try these 6 mad scientist treats for the spookiest Halloween ever! DIY Halloween Treats. So Yummy (July 2024).