A dilemma of paternal love: Fringe

Some time ago I told you about one of the most famous series of all time. "Lost", and the importance of paternity and the conflicts suffered by children around how their parents treated them.

Today I want to invite you to reflect on the dilemma of fatherhood in another of the great series of the moment, FringeWell, we are faced with feelings that we can all understand: what would we do to save a child's life and keep it by our side?

The core of the story and the personal and dramatic conflict of the series revolves around a paternal love dilemma and the way in which one of the central characters, Walter, solves it. This father, an extraordinary scientist, finds that all his knowledge does not help him save his son, terminally ill, from death.

The child dies but his father manages to peek into a parallel universe in which, another he faces the same suffering, but, watching him in his experiments, he discovers the way to heal the child.

He then jumps to the parallel universe and kidnaps the son of his other self, bringing him with him and managing to save him, but he will never return him with his true parents, making him believe, for many years, that the only reality is that of here and that nothing Remembering from the other side is real.

What is a fiction series, in the end, connects with the deepest fears of parents, losing a child and everything we would be able to do to save them, even break the limits of ethics or face lies that the they damage in order to keep them by our side.

¿The love we feel for our children is so great that we would break all the barriers and even upset the Universe to save them? I think the answer is complicated, but in the end what would we not do to preserve the lives of our children and see them grow?

Television series can become cultural symbols and propose difficult reflections, especially when they talk about the deepest feelings and fears of human beings, as Fringe does with this paternal love dilemma.

And there is nothing more powerful than love for our children. What would you do as a father or mother if you face Fringe's paternal love dilemma?

Video: The Comedic Mind of Taika Waititi (July 2024).