Gynecologist humor?

I cannot understand how this can be supposed to be funny precisely for the medical group that must attend to women in their deliveries: gynecologists, professionals who would expect greater sensitivity and respect towards the problems of their patients. But it seems that the editors of the newsletter of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics find it very funny to make jokes that denigrate and humiliate their patients, it is seen that this is the "Gynecologist humor" for some

This morning I woke up reading the note published by Asociación El Parto es Nuestro about these jokes and I was stunned when I was aware that those who are supposed to make fun of them are those doctors we should trust in our pregnancies and births ,. "A touch of humor" at the expense of our exposed bodies, our feelings and our intelligence. I laugh with this “gynecologist humor“.

The cartoons, which worse, you can see on the page of El Parto es Nuestro. I have froze. I do not put them all, because there are some that can hurt the sensitivity of women who will have to go to a consultation tomorrow.

These are the humorous cartoons that plague the electronic bulletin of the SEGO (Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics). It is not that I am especially astonished, because once upon a time their managers have caused me to reject with statements that are not fortunate and that reveal a vision of the profession and of the anachronistic and contemptuous women according to all the criteria, social and medical. It seems that the editors of the newsletter and the author of the cartoons find it very funny to laugh at their patients.

And, although I know that most gynecologists will share my indignation towards the supposedly funny thing about the denigration of women and are opening other paths in attention and have another sensitivity, the appearance of these vignettes has seemed to me a sign of machismo and backwardness That, it seems, some gynecologists still suffer. Instead of laughing humiliating, they can do more useful things, maybe recycle a little or do some patient care.

Take care of machismo, gentlemen. And, of course, remove these jokes and apologize to women. This gynecologist humor It doesn't make any grace. You have been portrayed.

Video: If Going To The Gynecologist Were Honest (July 2024).