Strengthen psychomotor skills through strokes

Another important aspect to develop fine motor skills, together with the activities that develop the skills of the hands, fingers and visual and manual coordination, is carrying out activities to develop the strokes.

We understand by lines the lines and curves that are written without lifting the pencil (or other writing instrument) from the paper (or other surface), and that are part of the writing of the spellings, the letters, of the learning of writing.

These activities that reinforce psychomotor skills through strokes They can be made on different surfaces (floor, wrapping paper, slate, folios, notebook ...) and with different instruments (wax paints, markers, brushes, pencils, pens ...).

The basic movements present in the different grafomotor strokes are of two types: rectilinear and curved, and on them the grafomotor reeducation should be centered. The exercises should be done in the left-right direction.

Activities for the development and control of straight lines

  • Copy exercises on blackboard or graph paper: drawing vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines, crosses, blades, parallel lines, broken lines, angles, figures ...

  • Exercises reviewed lines, paths and drawings.

  • Exercises of filling of spaces and figures.

  • Follow-up exercises of guidelines or paths without touching the walls.

  • Line drawing exercises between two lines to train braking.

  • Line drawing exercises alternating pressure.

Activities for the development and control of curved lines

  • Copy exercises on blackboard or graph paper: tracing curved lines, loops, circles ...

  • Wave exercises within two lines, on horizontal or inclined axes, and also alternating sizes.

  • Loop exercises within two lines, on one line, ascending, descending and combined loops (ascending / descending).

  • Circular exercises, copying and reviewing, performed counterclockwise.

Many children's records (here we have brought you examples for the three years, more simple, for the four and for children of five years) contain this type of activities, from the simplest to the most complicated for older children who already have greater control of the fine motor development

Recall that grafomotricity requires a sufficient development of fine motor skills, and these activities that reinforce psychomotor skills through strokes They are suitable to acquire the necessary skills.

Video: Child Motor Skills (June 2024).