"This boy is very clever"

As you know those who know me, I am a pediatric nurse and I visit babies and (obviously) their parents every day. Types of parents there are many, some safer, others more insecure, some more informed, others less, some more affectionate with their children, others less and so with many applicable adjectives.

More or less they are all bearable because everyone wants the best for their children (more or less), however there is a type of parents who, although they are treated with the utmost respect, like everyone else, take a little of my boxes, which are those who it seems they are going to sell you their baby or what are in a baby casting or similar.

They begin to narrate everything their child is capable of doing, even if it's a lie, and finally they sentence with a very typical phrase: “I think this kid is very smart for his age. "

Normal achievements that explain to you as if they were the most

And so I have seen newborn babies who “love television, look at everything” (like every baby you expose to a visual stimulus full of color and movement), one-month-old babies who “hold a lot of neck, I would say too much ”(like most babies one month old, who hold the neck better than when they were just born), two month old babies who“ laugh a lot, are supersympathetic ”(like most babies, who a month they smile a little and both more), four-month-old babies who “already take the pacifier on his own and take it to his mouth” (like many babies who start to grab objects with his hand, in addition to taking everything to the mouth), all the sea of ​​normal and accompanied, of course, of the coletilla “is that is very clever“.

Of course, what do you do, do you say no? Do you explain that everyone does that? It depends. Sometimes I reason a little minimizing euphoria and sometimes I say yes and I make a "wow" type expression (yes, I buy the child ...).

Achievements that explain to you as if they were the most, which cannot be

The above achievements are nothing more than things that all children do, that parents live as if it were a milestone, a giant step, something only available to the most intelligent babies. It is no major problem because what they fail is the (low) expectations of the parents. However there is a group of parents, something more unbearable (after a while listening to the same one begins to get tired), who makeup their children's achievements explaining that they do things that are impossible, or highly unlikely, that they are capable of doing.

I have seen newborn babies who “already know how to speak, says garlic” (agggg, agggg, it is not garlic, it is agggg), three-month-old children who “my son already understands, I speak to him and heed me” (that he himself He says he laughs and the poor kid goes and laughs), five-month-old children who "imitate me when I do 'no' with my hand, look, look!" (and you see an indeterminate movement with the hand that supposed to be "no") and seven-month-old children who "call us: dad, mom, tete and yaya (grandmother in Catalan)" (when until 10-11 months they don't start saying dad and mom meaningfully), for Put some examples.

And you try to explain that it is not possible, that they are still small to do this or that thing, but they insist that it does and in the end you stay with the face of a ticket: Well, I will not see it.

Between parents

This also happens between fathers and mothers. There is always someone who tells you what her children do as if she were the only one who has been a mother ("Hello? Do you realize that I also have children and that they do the same as yours?").

I don't know the reason for these behaviors, maybe parents try to make their children stand out because they never stood out at all. In any case it becomes boring to hear the wonders of other children and see that you barely praise yours in public to the point of thinking that "others will believe that mine are 'short'."

Anyway, tell us your experiences about it. Have you ever encountered the typical fathers and / or mothers who They explain to you that your child is very smart for how old he is?

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).