Back to the future: we too were children

There are few things that generate more pure and nostalgic feelings than looking back at videos or photos of our childhood. Just look at them we remember those times and the anecdotes, memories and experiences that once made us happy appear.

These days I have discovered a page in which the author, a photographer by profession, is dedicated to taking photos of adults emulating the photos that were taken as children, not only in the posture, but imitating the dress, the background, the lighting , the approach, ... achieving virtually identical snapshots in a collection that has been baptized as Back to the Future.

I liked seeing it for two reasons: one, that time passes inescapably and although we don't want it, we end up being adults and two, that all adults today were children and it seems to be (or so I think) that many of us have forgotten.

When I talk about babies and children (now I focus on my pediatric nurse consultation) I put myself a lot in their place and I usually make recommendations according to what they need. Many times what babies need is in contrast to what parents want and many parents complain about this (something like "give me a solution for the nights, which I have to sleep").

On some occasion I have been asked to look for the middle ground, the one that favors everyone a little, but also affects everyone a little, that is, following the same example, to attend to my child at night but "letting him cry a little so he calls me less and less. " However I do not give in, my posture is constant: I try to give children a voice and explain why they act as they act (or why I think they do) and show what your needs are. Then each one, do what he considers best.

Let's say that the exercise that I carry out is the one that adults should always do: be empathetic with babies and children to understand what their requirements are, what their needs and to understand that the crying of babies and that of children often comes from suffering and the survival instinct.

Why do I insist on trying to make adults understand babies and children and put themselves in their place? Well, what was said, because we too were children and because many of us would have thanked a little more for understanding, affection and respect on the part of adults.

As a curiosity, I leave you with a couple of photos plus the sea of ​​funny:

Website | Irina Werning In Babies and more | Being a dad: the secret, To be good parents there are things that can not be missing, How will your baby be

Video: Back to the Future 510 Movie CLIP - I'm From the Future 1985 HD (July 2024).