Some "when" for pregnant women (I)

When a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, whether she is twenty or forty years old, she is a future first-time mother with very little information about the pregnancy (unless she has previously (in) been trained for whatever reason). This makes the positive in the pregnancy test is to open a door to a large number of questions that appear as the baby develops.

Many of those questions they start for a when (When will I notice the first kick? When will I be able to hear your heartbeat? When will it fit into the position of being born? ...) and the purpose of this entry is precisely respond to some of those "when" that pregnant women come to wonder.

When will I notice my baby's first movements?

Most likely until 22 weeks of gestation do not clearly notice the movements of the baby. There are moms who at 16 weeks already begin to notice some tingling, although most do not notice regular movements until after 24 weeks.

In case you have already had a child, you may feel the movements before and more intensely.

When do the main organs begin to form?

After six weeks, when the embryo will be the size of the tip of a finger, it is the moment when the main organs begin to form, which will have to mature gradually as the pregnancy progresses.

When does it start to have a human form?

One of the most anticipated moments by moms is one in which, looking at the baby on an ultrasound, a miniature person is observed. In the fifth and sixth week the embryo grows with such speed that it can already be seen on an ultrasound. By the seventh week the head, the thorax and the other members begin to form and by the eighth the embryo already has a recognizable human form.

When does the heart start beating?

The heart begins to form in the fifth week of pregnancy and that is when it starts to beat. A week later, in the sixth week of pregnancy, the beats can be seen on an ultrasound. At the beginning, the heart is a kind of tube that develops little by little until it reaches the four cavities that we all know, approximately towards week eleven.

When will your limbs develop?

The limbs grow more slowly than the brain and other internal organs. They begin to form near the fifth week, in the form of small folds in the skin. Gradually cartilages are formed until the eighth or ninth week the fingers and toes are formed. At that time the hands and feet are practically the same, they only begin to differentiate after twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Within a few days we continue with some more "when" (when they begin to see and hear, when the bones develop, when the hair begins to grow, etc.).

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