January 30, School Day of Peace and Nonviolence

Peace is one of the transversal contents that the educational system includes in its programs, and given the relevance of the subject, it also School Day of Peace and Nonviolence is celebrated on January 30, to pretend to raise awareness about the importance of living together in peace, with tolerance and without violence.

It is intended, among other topics, to proclaim respect for Human Rights, and the basic message is: "Universal love, Nonviolence and Peace. Universal Love is better than selfishness, Nonviolence is better than violence and Peace is better than war. "

For this reason, we encourage you to tell your children stories for peace or to color with them these drawings about peace.

In addition, I leave this beautiful poem by Nicolás Guillén, a song to peace that children will love to sing with us by staging it, opening and closing the wall:

To make this wall, bring me all my hands: The blacks, their black hands, the whites, their white hands. Oh, a wall that goes from the beach to the mountain, from the mountain to the beach, well, over the horizon. -Tun, tun! -Who? -A rose and a carnation ... -Open the wall! -Tun, tun! -Who? -The Colonel's saber ... -Close the wall! -Tun, tun! -Who? -The dove and the laurel ... -Open the wall! -Tun, tun! -Who? -The scorpion and the centipede ... -Close the wall! To the heart of the friend, open the wall; to poison and dagger, close the wall; to myrtle and peppermint, open the wall; to the snake's tooth, close the wall; to the nightingale in the flower, open the wall ... Let us raise a wall by joining all the hands; the blacks, their black hands, the white ones, their white hands. A wall that goes from the beach to the mountain, from the mountain to the beach, well, over the horizon ...

The date chosen to celebrate the School Day of Peace and Nonviolence, January 30, pays tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, national and spiritual leader of India, who died that day in 1948.

If the kids go to school, they will surely have done some related activity today. If you don't go to school, we can also take advantage of the date to remind and remind ourselves. the importance of peace and nonviolence as the best way of living together With our fellow men.

Video: Quotes for School Day of Non violence and Peace (July 2024).