Highlights in Babies and more: September 20-26

As every week, we review by the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more last week.

Although the good news would be that it was not news, one of the most commented events last week has been that an Italian MEP went to vote in the European Parliament with her baby in tow. Many and diverse have been the repercussions on his gesture.

We keep talking about another way to educate children. Breeding without whipping is possible and we deepen this time in positive communication in a series of very interesting posts (Part I, II, III, IV and V and VI)

We have launched a question that you have never asked yourself: What would you do if you saw children alone in a car? We invite you to reflect on it.

About pregnancy, we have listed some of the less known discomforts of pregnancy. Those complications that little talk about, but annoy more or equal to the most popular.

He homeschooling It has also had a place on our pages in recent days. We have given some reasons to educate at home and we have echoed the news that a judge fails in favor of homeschooling in the Good Law program, which means that the concept is becoming more known.

We dedicate a space to cheer up the pregnant women by telling them that kisses immunize future moms and, in return, a not so pleasant reality: five percent of caesarean sections in Spain are unnecessary.

We also talked about the musical education of the little ones and gave some tips so that they like music and to choose the most appropriate musical instrument for our son.

Video: Monday Minute-Top Valley HS Football Plays For Week 8 (July 2024).