70% of pregnant women who ask for a natural birth end up changing their mind

For some time now, the struggle of many professionals and, above all, of many mothers to make hospital deliveries natural births is still positive. More and more centers are based on respectful protocols and more and more mothers choose to give birth with the least possible medical interventions, if childbirth allows.

However, there are still many women who decide to give birth without anesthesia and with few interventions that in the course of labor end up requesting epidural anesthesia, an act that causes other interventions almost mandatory, such as the use of oxytocin or lithotomy position (lying down ) to carry out the delivery.

In Valencia they have quantified these data and have seen that, in principle, 70% of women choose a non-medicalized delivery. Once the birth begins, about 71% of these women end up requesting epidural anesthesia. This means that, of all the women who go to a hospital to give birth, only 20% end up having a natural birth.

Pregnant women are not sick

We have commented on several occasions and it seems that, as I say, there are many hospitals and many pregnant women who are realizing this: pregnant women are not sick, but women who, to prevent possible risks, prefer to go to a health center just in case something happens.

This means that a woman is fully capable of giving birth alone (until proven otherwise) and therefore should be able to do so. In case of needing any intervention, for this there are the professionals, to act.

Years ago and until recently the vision was a little the other way around. The pregnant woman was treated like a sick woman, taking control of her birth and controlling everything to the point of canceling it, with the already proven disadvantage that The more you control something that is going well, the more risk there is to make it go wrong (virgin, that I stay as I am).

Women know it, but ...

In the information age there are many women who know that the best way to prevent risks during pregnancy is to try to give birth in the most natural way possible. This includes not using epidural anesthesia.

However, such a decision is not something that has to be done by face or cross. To give birth is not something that is done every day and it is not like going to get married or to make your identity card. To give birth is to give birth to a baby, it is a natural act that is not done because it has been learned to do, but is done because the body is prepared for it.

The problem is that mind and body are not, today, too associated (in fact many of the current evils come precisely for this reason) and Few women can control the situation, the moment and the environment so that the pain diminishes or becomes bearable (the body is prepared for it, but the mind is not).

In other words, if it is decided to give birth without epidural it is more than advisable to carry out some type of personal work that helps to connect the body with the mind, to learn to relax, to listen, to focus attention on oneself despite external stimuli and to visualize the moment of delivery because in this way it is possible to live the birth of a child as a very enriching and unique experience.

Otherwise there are many probabilities, as you have already seen, according to the data from Valencia, that childbirth is soon transformed into something stressful and very painful that "I wish it ends soon."

And you?

And you? How did you live it? Do you know many cases of women who wanted to give birth naturally and ended up with an instrumentalized delivery?

Video: Will an induction go faster if I'm already dilated at 3cm, lost my mucus plug, and effacing? (May 2024).