Having siblings is positive for children

There are varied opinions about whether it is better for the child to be an only child or not. Each situation is particular, but I personally agree with the conclusions that a study carried out by American psychologists according to which having siblings is positive for children.

After interviewing almost 400 families with more than one child, they have been able to observe that siblings can protect each other from feelings such as loneliness or fears and that the influence of a brother could sometimes be superior to the paternal influence.

Children learn many things from their playmates every day. Among other things, to share, to live together and feelings such as generosity or kindness.

While this protection relationship exists among male brothers, a curiosity that highlights the research is that in the case of girls, the relationship between sisters would help keep depression in adolescence away.

The tendency of girls to talk more about their things and to be more communicative among them is a positive element, like a kind of "antidepressant".

This does not mean that only children get depressed more than those who are not, but according to researchers fraternal relationships (I suppose that transferable to cousins ​​or friends when the relationship is intense) helps keep feelings of guilt, selfishness and fear away .

Even the usual fights between siblings and even jealousy between siblings can have a positive component as they help children control their emotions.

I think having siblings is positive for children. Sharing life with a brother, I attest, is wonderful and that is why I have always been clear that I would have more than one child. Seeing my daughters play together makes me very happy to know that they have each other.

Video: Siblings of Children with Autism (July 2024).