Adoptantis, adoption website

Adopting a child is a process, often long and dotted with numerous difficulties. Thus a website like Adoptantis, which offers care and support to adoptive families or that they are in the process of adoption I found it very interesting.

Adoptantis was born in October 2000 with the aim of creating this space that complements the work carried out by the Administration, and the management carried out by the International Adoption Collaborating Entities (Ecais).

Behind the web there is a professional team specialized in the adoptive theme integrated by psychologists, social workers and speech therapists that allows a comprehensive approach to the problems that affect adoptive families.

On the web we find out about all the activities, conferences, workshops ... there is a lot of offer for families who want to participate. But maybe what matters most at first is check online information about the adoption process, and we also find it in Adoptantis: where to go, what are the previous steps, the certificate of suitability, the preparation of the file ...

They also have an Adoption Newspaper with news, interviews, reports and interesting studies related to adoption worldwide.

These are some of the services that Adoptantis offers to adoptive or adoptive families:

  • Pre-adoptive information, so necessary to resolve doubts when a couple begins to reflect on the possibility of becoming parents through adoption: what steps must be taken to adopt a child; what is the path of legality in adoption; in which country are you most likely to prosper your application; adopt a child or several siblings; adopt a small child or an older child; they may love him just like a biological child; they will be able to raise it and educate it properly ...

  • Preparation for adoption, with the organization of reflection workshops for adoptive families that allow to share experiences and concerns with other people who go through the same situation. The workshops are multi-thematic and focus on waiting, parenting, single-parent families ...

  • Adoptantis has been selected by the Madrid Institute for Children and the Family as a Support Service for the Adoptive Family, for which it has also developed a program. The adoptive family may need professional guidance throughout the entire process, from the beginning or before any conflictive situation.

Training services are free for families upon registration. Orientation and advice are free for families and adopted people, with a maximum of up to five sessions, upon request for an appointment.

And in terms of therapeutic care, it is a service that is priced for the families and people adopted, at a cost assumed by 50% by the Madrid Institute for Children and the Family and 50% by the applicant family itself.

In short, I think Adoptantis is a website about adoption It can be interesting to many families who decide to start the process or who already have a new member in their midst thanks to the adoption.

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