Fun crafts: plasticine flowers

I have found another beautiful fun craft that surely delights the little ones of the house: plasticine flowers. Although the children of four or five years are a little delicate, they will enjoy a lot helping, preparing the colors and making the balls that you are going to ask for.

We really like clay and we always have it at home. In addition, as we travel a lot by train is usually our faithful companion. We make fruits, animals, plants, everyday objects, and we spend hours much more easily.

Dark brown, reddish brown, green, blue, white, yellow and pink plasticine is needed to make a very pretty pot adorned with three flowers. Surely on the initial model you can see variations to make other types of flowers.

You are beautiful plasticine flowers that I propose as a fun craft Surely they will be one of the fixed of our repertoire. They are quite easy to do if you are a bit tricky and younger children will love working with parents to make them.

Via | YouTube, SchmidtClaudia's channel On Babies and more | Fun crafts: a wool octopus, Fun crafts: stone-painted bugs, Fun crafts: a cardboard boat