29 pretty boy names inspired by literature and books

When it comes to seeking inspiration to choose a name, there are several sites we can go to: names in other languages, names of recognized artists or classic names.

A good place that also serves as inspiration are books. We share you 29 boy names inspired by literature and books, among which we highlight some renowned writers and characters that have become unforgettable.

Alonso, for 'Don Quijote de la Mancha'

Alonso Quijano, better known as 'Don Quijote de la Mancha' is the most famous literary character of all time, protagonist of the novel of the same name, written by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Arturo, by writer Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer and doctor to whom we owe the creation of the most famous detective of all time: Sherlock Holmes.

Aurelio, by Aureliano from 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'

Aureliano is a name that is repeated in a wide variety of characters within the novel 'One Hundred Years of Solitude', which is considered a masterpiece of Spanish-American and universal literature, as well as one of the most translated and read works in Spanish.

Axel, for 'Journey to the center of the Earth'

Axel and his uncle Otto are the protagonists of this famous novel by Julio Verne, in which as if title says, they embark on a great adventure in order to reach the center of the Earth, guided by an ancient map that managed to decipher .

Carlos, by Carlos Fuentes

Carlos Fuentes, writer, intellectual and Mexican diplomat. Winner of the Cervantes and Prince of Asturias Award for Letters, as well as honoris causa of several universities such as Harvard, Cambridge and UNAM. He is one of the most outstanding Hispanic-American authors.

Darío, by Rubén Darío

Rubén Darío, Nicaraguan poet, journalist and diplomat. He is considered the maximum representative of literary modernism in the Spanish language and is one of the poet who has had the greatest and most lasting influence on poetry of the twentieth century.

David, for 'David Copperfield'

David Copperfield is the protagonist of this novel of the same name, was written by Charles Dickens and is considered the most autobiographical of all his works, due to the large number of elements in it that refer to the life of the writer.

Edmundo, for 'The Count of Montecristo'

Edmundo Dantés is a man who, after a series of misfortunes and betrayals, ends up in prison, then runs away and finds a treasure, with which he begins a new life with a new identity: 'Count of Montecristo'.

Felipe, for 'Great Expectations'

Phillip Pirrip is the protagonist of 'Great Expectations' one of the most famous classic novels, written by Charles Dickens and for which he also included some experiences of his own life.

Gabriel, by Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez, writer, screenwriter, editor and Colombian journalist. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. His novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is considered part of the great Hispanic classics of all time.

Guillermo, by Fitzwilliam Darcy of 'Pride and Prejudice'

Fitzwilliam Darcy (whose name literally means "son of William"), is the love interest of Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of the famous classic novel written by Jane Austen.

Gustavo, by Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert was a French writer, known for his novel 'Madame Bovary' and considered one of the best Western novelists.

Hans, for 'The Magic Mountain'

Hans Castorp is the protagonist of the novel by Thomas Mann, who tells about his stay in a sanatorium in the Swiss Alps, which he initially intended only to visit a cousin who was there. It is a classic of German-language literature of the twentieth century.

Héctor, for 'The Iliad'

Hector was the Trojan prince responsible for the Trojan War within Greek mythology, and is one of the main characters in the Homeric poem 'The Iliad'.

Hugo, by writer Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo, French poet and writer. Author of Les Miserables, he is considered one of the most important in the French language.

Jaime, by Jay Gatsby from 'The Great Gatsby'

Jay Gatsby, whose real name is James Gatz, is the protagonist of the famous novel by the writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, in which he narrates the life of a mysterious millionaire, and which takes place in the 1920s in the United States.

Juan, by Jean Valjean from 'Les Miserables'

Jean Valjean is the protagonist of this novel by the French poet and writer Víctor Hugo, in which various issues such as justice, politics, reason, ethics and religion are questioned. It is considered as one of the most important works of the nineteenth century.

Julio, by the writers Julio Cortázar and Julio Verne

Julio Cortázar, Argentine writer. Considered one of the best in the world, he was one of the most prominent in the short story, poetic prose and magical realism.

Jules Verne, writer, poet and French playwright. Famous for his adventure novels and for his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction, of which he is considered one of his parents.

Leo, by the writer León Tolstoy

León Tolstoy was a Russian novelist, considered one of the most important writers of world literature, thanks to his work, which includes the novels 'Anna Karenina' and 'War and Peace'.

Lorenzo, by Laurie from 'Little Women'

Theodore Laurence, better known as Laurie in the classic novel 'Little Women', is the neighbor of the four March sisters, protagonists of the story, and who becomes an important character in their lives.

Marcelo, for 'In search of lost time'

Marcel Proust writes this novel based on his memories and the relationships he had with the people around them. It is considered one of the summits of French and universal literature.

Mario, by writers Mario Vargas Llosa and Mario Benedetti

Mario Vargas Llosa, Peruvian writer. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Prince of Asturias Award for Letters and the National Novel Prize of Peru.

Mario Benedetti, Uruguayan writer, poet and playwright. He is one of the most read and loved poets thanks to his work, which used a simple and direct language.

Miguel, by Miguel de Cervantes

Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer. He is considered the most important author of the Spanish language, as his work marked a before and after in the novels. The Quixote de la Mancha, of its authorship, is the best-selling book in history, after the Bible.

Octavio, by Octavio Paz

Octavio Paz, Mexican poet, essayist and diplomat. He was a Nobel Prize for Literature and is considered one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century and one of the greatest Hispanic poets of all time.

Oliver, for 'Oliver Twist'

Oliver Twist tells the story of an orphan boy, who must fight to get ahead in his life, while trying to find his place in society. This novel by Charles Dickens was the first English-language novel to have a child as the protagonist.

Oscar, by writer Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde, Irish writer, playwright and novelist. In his work he highlighted beauty and art and is considered one of the most prominent playwrights of late Victorian London.

Rodrigo, for 'The Song of Mine Cid'

Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar is the protagonist and hero of the famous Cantar de mio Cid, the first extensive work of Spanish literature, an anonymous author and is inspired by the heroic feats of that character.

Romeo, for 'Romeo and Juliet'

Romeo Montesco is the protagonist of the tragic work of William Shakespeare, who tells the story of two young people fighting for their love, despite belonging to enemy families.

Ulysses, 'The Odyssey'

Ulysses or Odysseus was one of the legendary heroes of Greek mythology and the protagonist of 'The Odyssey', a work attributed to the Greek poet Homer.

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